Letter to the editor – J. Brunow re: gun safety

To the editor,

I begin an unpleasant discussion.

Shootings are increasing. The murders resulting are increasing. Not enough is being done at the national or state level to prevent these murders and serious injuries. It is time to begin a discussion of local action for prevention.

I cringe when I hear “The solution to bad people with guns are good people with guns”, but that seems like an alternative open to us. I want my “good people with guns” to be additional sworn law enforcement officers with the training and equipment they receive from either law enforcement department in Greene County.

What’s that going to take? For this discussion let’s use per officer cost of $150,000 per year. With three school buildings in Jefferson and one school building in Churdan plus two child care centers in Jefferson let’s estimate five additional officers affiliated with a local law enforcement department. Adding that up would indicate a cost of more than $750,000 per year and it would increase.

There are many questions to be answered.  How can this be done? Who will direct the implementation? What will this cost? What will be the tax levy? How can the taxpayers ever afford this? Do we live in a place where a mass shooting can happen? I will not try to answer these questions because people need to seek information and form their own answers. My purpose with this letter is to begin the discussion.

Often cited is an estimate of 400,000,000 firearms in America.  A recent Washington Post article estimate is that 20,000,000 AR-15 style assault rifles are owned. Yes, one in every 16 Americans may be the owner of an AR-15. In mass shooting after mass shooting it is the firearm of choice.  

In Iowa there has been a steady shift to allow easier acquisition and carrying of handguns.  On July 1, 2021, the need for a permit to open carry or conceal carry became optional in Iowa. During the General Election in 2022 Iowans approved an amendment to the state constitution to protect the right to have and carry firearms. This legislative session a bill passed the Iowa House (HF 654) which would grant owners of firearms to have freer availability of their firearm in vehicles near schools and many public properties.

Sadly as a greater ability to carry a firearm has grown; the availability of mental health services in Iowa has shrunk. We have lost mental health professionals. We have lost capacity in facilities to provide mental health services. A November 2022 article said, “Iowa is ranked 51st in the country – last in the nation – by the Treatment Advocacy Center, with only 2 beds per 100,000 people, when the recommended amount is 50 beds per 100,000 people.”

Covid, isolation, and sorrow are ingredients which have permeated society. Our growing instant communication networks have been spewing fire hoses of disconcerting news. “There has been a mass shooting in_______” are dreaded words.

What are we (people in Greene County) doing to confront this threat to our most precious assets: our children, our family members, and our friends and neighbors? “Thoughts and prayers” are not working across this country. I am ready to begin an effort towards having “good people with guns” (law enforcement officers) positioned to protect all that we prize. I am willing to pay my share.

Let’s begin the conversations.  You write a letter to the editor.  Talk to sheriff Jack Williams. Talk to Jefferson police chief Mark Clouse. Ask about “active shooter training” in our schools, churches, and gathering places. Start a conversation with your school board members, city officials, county supervisors or all three levels of government about your concern. 

Please do not ignore the peril which exists, it is real. Do not wait until we are wrenched in agony crying about what we should have done. Action will bring us greater control. Let us discuss the issue, form a plan, act to implement the plan, and know our efforts are many times more significant than “thoughts and prayers”.

John Brunow, Jefferson

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