Will you yield for a question?

To the editor,

It is alarming, the rough shod ways the Republican majority in the Iowa State Senate are using to ram legislation through. A low point showing this disregard for Iowans’ right-to-know occurred earlier this week on Senate File 542 dealing with child labor laws.

During the debate, which went on through the night, State Senator Dotzler (D) Black Hawk County asked the floor manager of the bill, State Senator Dickey (R) Jefferson County, if he “would yield for a question.”  Sen. Dickey said, “No.”

I served as an Iowa State Representative for six years and never in those years nor in monitoring the Iowa legislative process since, have I heard of a bill’s floor manager refusing to yield for a question during debate. Floor debate is the process which allows the public to learn more about the law change being proposed. Asking and having questions responded to is most important.

Sen. Dotzler asked a second time if Sen. Dickey would yield for a question and the response was again “No.”  So Sen. Dotzler directed his attention to Sen. Jack Whitver (R) Polk County, the Republican leader, and asked if Whitver “would yield for a question” and received the same answer, “No.”

This is deception at a high level. It ranks even above the State Senate Republicans passing appropriation bills out of the appropriations committee without any dollar figures. How can you discuss levels of service, priorities, and alternatives without dollar figures? It was hiding the central component of the legislation. Both actions (blank dollar amount appropriations and not yielding to questions) point to disregard for the public being able to know about legislative actions.  

“Transparency” is a fashionable word bandied about as political speak. This Republican controlled Iowa State Senate is taking actions which are deceptive and far from transparent. I suggest we tell State Sen. Green, who represents Green and much of Boone Counties, that we want information, not stonewalling, not sleight of hand, and not chicanery. If he does not agree then we need a new State Senator and 2024 is nearing.

John Brunow

Greene County Democratic Party Chair

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