Employees at Greene County Medical Center have teamed up to raise funds for the Greene County Relay for Life, slated for Thursday, July 26. From now through July 14 a variety of curated gift baskets are for sale by silent auction in the main lobby of the medical center. Community members are welcome to bid on the baskets, but are…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Jerry Swaney, 1940 – 2022
Dr. Jerry James Swaney passed away on July 1, 2022. Born April 2, 1940, in Jefferson, Jerry grew up in Grand Junction and was valedictorian of the Grand Junction High School class of 1958. He moved to Iowa City to attend college and medical school. Jerry graduated from medical school in 1964. While at Iowa, he was a houseboy for…
Read MoreRam softball team goes into district play with 12-12 record
~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal The Greene County softball team had a strong showing last week after two wins and one loss before the quarterfinal game on Wednesday. The Rams have a 12-12 record. Monday, June 27, brought only loss for the Rams last week, with a home field fall to Perry, 4-1. The Rams scored a run…
Read MoreRam baseball team wins first game of post season play
~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal The Greene County baseball team picked up three wins and two losses last week, winning their first round of district play. Greene County is 8-14 on season with the next game at defending Class 2A state champion Van Meter rescheduled from July 5 to July 6 due to weather. The Rams hosted Perry…
Read MoreScranton utilizes 5-2-1-0 grant funds
Scranton was chosen in 2020 as one of the five communities who would receive funds through the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count program. A steering committee was formed with members from the parks and rec committee, community center, city hall, library, and other community volunteers to form an action plan of projects we would like to see for our community. The…
Read MoreIn the neighborhood
July 5, 2022 Family tribute held – The final interment of ashes for Philip Roberts was held Saturday, June 25, at the Rippey Cemetery. Besides Toni Roberts, family members attending were Chris and Brenda Roberts, Lori and Tim Bardole, and Marshall Roberts and friend Elizabeth Blakeman, all from Rippey; Lindsay Rinehart and Bentley of Bettendorf; Sarah and Corey Bradley and children…
Read MoreKids’ pedal pull at Greene County Fair
Greene County Farm Bureau will again sponsor a family friendly kids’ pedal pull event at the Greene County Fair. The event will take place Saturday, July 16, in the tent building on the fairgrounds. Registration will begin at noon with competition slated to begin at 12:30. Children between the ages of 4 – 12 are invited to compete. All participants…
Read MoreSupervisors plan for further discussion of solar ordinance, Super-2 for Highway 30
The agenda for the Greene County board of supervisors’ July 5 meeting was scant. The only items of new business were approving the June 30, 2022 cash count (end of Fiscal Year 2022); hearing the recorder’s quarterly report of fees and the auditor’s quarterly passport report; and approving hiring Christopher Anderson as PRN (as needed) EMT for Greene County Ambulance.…
Read MoreRound Up at Fareway to support Variety – the Children’s Charity
Fareway Stores, Inc. is partnering with Variety – the Children’s Charity to conduct the sixth annual Round Up at the register from July 4 – 23 at all 130 store locations. Customers will have the opportunity to round up to the next dollar or provide an additional donation on their grocery bill to help fund Variety’s mission. Dollars raised through…
Read MoreMany questions asked at Grand Junction Solar informational meeting
Rural residents who don’t farm turned out for a public informational meeting June 27 hosted by National Grid Renewables, doing business as Grand Junction Solar. The informational meeting is one step in applying to the Iowa Utilities Board for a permit for the solar project located south of Grand Junction (IUB Docket No GCU-2022-0001). About 20 persons attended the meeting.…
Read MoreExtension slates farmland leasing meetings in August
Farmland leasing meetings for agriculture property owners, tenants, ag business representatives and lenders will be held at 11 different locations throughout west central Iowa in early August. Each workshop will focus on current farmland value and lease rate trends, methods for determining fair ag rents for 2023, conservation practices, farmland lease communication and legalities, including how to write and terminate…
Read MoreDry week for Iowa farmers
There was very little rain state-wide, resulting in 6.0 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 3, 2022, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork activities included completing the first cutting of hay, side dressing, and crop spraying. Topsoil moisture conditions across Iowa rated 7 percent very short, 27 percent short, 63 percent adequate and 3…
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