Most of the state received rain along with warmer temperatures, resulting in 4.0 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 10, 2022, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. A derecho blew through northern Iowa on Tuesday, causing some crop damage. Fieldwork included wrapping up the first cutting of alfalfa and working on the second. Topsoil moisture…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Rippey Fun Daze slated for July 30
Rippey will be alive with activities on Saturday, July 30, with Rippey Fun Daze sponsored by the local Lions Club. Following the Rippey 150+ in 2021, this will continue the tradition of yearly festivals from earlier years. The event will begin at noon with a car show on Main Street with food vendors and the Rippey public library selling walking…
Read MoreCommunity Foundations assists swim team with grant for equipment
The Jefferson swim team made good use of the grant proceeds from the Greene County Community Foundation (GCCF) this summer. Early this year, the swim team board applied for a grant to help purchase new rope lanes, two rope reels and covers to protect them. The total cost of the project was $13,181 and the GCCF supported the project with…
Read MoreGrCo ag teacher attends state conference
Greene County ag education teacher Raelyn Harris recently joined more than 200 secondary and post-secondary instructors from across Iowa at the Iowa Agricultural Education Summer Conference held at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny, June 27-29. The purpose of the conference was professional development and to foster sharing of ideas from agriculture programs across the state. The conference was organized…
Read MoreGreene County Fair, July 12-18
The tradition continues with the Greene County Fair this week. Greene County Extension and Outreach staff and the all-volunteer Greene County Fair board have planned a full schedule of events. Judging begins Tuesday, July 12, for 4-H members with static exhibits and continues through Sunday for youth entrants. Family-friendly entertainment will pack the grandstand on Friday and Saturday evenings. The…
Read MoreSix decades of 4-H beef burgers at the Clover Cafe get a boost from donors
Submitted by Greene County 4-H Foundation Some might argue that the Clover Cafe at the Greene County Fair is the county’s longest running restaurant. Beginning in the early 1960s and known for its infamous “4-H beef burgers,” the volunteer-managed food stand is also one of the oldest funding sources for 4-Hers in Greene County. The Cafe, which serves breakfast, lunch…
Read MoreJefferson Kiwanis Club adds Story Stroll to fair events
The Jefferson Kiwanis Club is partnering with the Jefferson public library, the Jefferson A&W restaurant, and the Greene County Fair board to host its second annual Story Stroll for children ages 4-7 on Saturday, July 16. The event will be held at the Milwaukee Depot next to the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson. Every child participant will receive a free…
Read MoreTrio of contestants vying for fair queen title
Analynn Baugh, Hannah Curtis and Emma Halterman are contestants for Greene County Fair queen and a chance to compete to be the 2022 Iowa State Fair queen. The local contest is slated for Wednesday, July 13, at 7 pm at Clover Hall on the Greene County fairgrounds. Analynn Baugh is the daughter of Ronnie and Renae Baugh. She is entering…
Read MoreLocal Farm Bureau slates member appreciation event
Greene County Farm Bureau members are invited to attend this year’s annual Member Appreciation event on Tuesday, July 19, at the Grand Junction Community Center in Grand Junction. Lidderdale will cater a meal at 6 pm and a short program, awards, and guest speaker will follow. Featured speaker for the evening will be Dan Dix, NEW Cooperative general manager. Dix’s…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending July 8
In Greene County district court Carly Jene Hubby, 43, of Ogden was sentenced July 6 to 10 days in jail after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of driving while license barred. She will receive credit for time served. If she obtains a temporary restricted license by Aug. 6 the court will reconsider the sentence, suspend the…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending July 8
In Greene County magistrate court a judgment was entered July 2 against Yarelis Michelle Oquendo Soto of Jefferson on a charge of disorderly conduct, amended from domestic abuse. Oquendo Soto was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge. Court costs were $91.50. Cases were initiated at follows: Rodney Charles Sheffield of Scranton, theft- fifth degree; Butch Dean Gayle Thede of Churdan,…
Read MoreBeverly Luft, 1949 – 2022
Funeral services will be held July 16, at the Northside Assembly Church in Jefferson for Beverly Louise Luft, 72, of Charles City, formerly of Jefferson. Interment will be at Franklin Township Cemetery in Cooper. Beverly Louise McCray Luft was born July 18, 1949, in Waltham, MA. She passed away with her family by her side at St. Mary’s Hospital in…
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