Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Greene County sheriff’s office: Sunday, July 31: Routine activity reported. Saturday, July 30: At 12:56 pm a deputy investigated a complaint of harassment in the 700 block of D Ave in Kendrick Township. At 6:49 pm a deputy assisted with a cow out in the 1100 block of 190th St in Bristol…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Incentive grant to Midwest Behavioral Health
A new business in Jefferson was awarded a $5,000 Jefferson Wants You incentive grant for start-up costs. Megan Ball opened Midwest Behavioral Health in May of 2022. Ball explains, “This is a substance use disorder treatment center that can treat dual diagnosis with mental health secondary.” Currently two fulltime positions are filled but Ball looks to add more fulltime and…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending July 15
In Greene County district court Dale Edward Ganoe, 44, of Jefferson was sentenced to two days jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic abuse assault, amended from domestic abuse assault- third or subsequent offense. He must complete a batterers treatment program. Ganoe was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge and a $90 domestic abuse surcharge. He must…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending July 15
Disposition was entered July 13 in Greene County magistrate court as follows: Brent Aaron Coon of Jefferson, possession of drug paraphernalia, $105 fine with a $15.75 surcharge and $91.50 court costs; Lathan Phillip Davis of Jefferson, harassment- third degree, $105 fine with a $15.75 surcharge and $60 court costs; Danielle Lynn Schofield of Jefferson theft- fifth degree, $2.99 restitution to…
Read MorePatricia Morrison Coate, 1952 – 2022
Patricia Ann Morrison was born to James E Morrison Jr. and Rose Marie (Moehle) Morrison October 10, 1952, in Fort Sheridan, IL, where her father was stationed. Pat, a proudly self-proclaimed ‘Iowegian’ grew up and spent much of her life in Boonville, MO, and Fort Madison, Albia, Jefferson, Des Moines, and Emerson, IA. Pat graduated from high school in Jefferson…
Read MoreJeff council keeps plugging away at construction projects
The Jefferson city council approved moving ahead with one project but delayed a second project at its regular meeting July 12. The council awarded the bid for a water main replacement project on W. Russell St from Elm St to the wastewater treatment plant to Morris Enterprises Inc of Clutier. Morris’s low bid was $395,763, which was 16 percent below…
Read MoreHannah Curtis selected as 2022 fair queen
Greene County 2021 graduate Hannah Curtis was selected Wednesday night as the 2022 Greene County Fair queen. She will preside over the remainder of this year’s fair and represent Greene County in the Iowa State Fair queen contest in August. She will also receive a $500 scholarship sponsored by Humboldt Mutual Insurance Association. She was crowned by 2021 fair queen…
Read MorePool feasibility study to be presented July 21
The findings of a feasibility study of an indoor pool will be presented to the Jefferson park and recreation board and the public Thursday, July 21, from 6 to 8 pm at Greene County Community Center. Ken Hagen of OPN Architects and George Deines of Counsilman-Hunsaker will be there to present and discuss the survey that was part of the…
Read MoreCounty supervisors discuss solar energy ordinance
The Greene County supervisors spent close to an hour at their July 11 regular meeting discussing what should be included in an ordinance regulating utility-scale solar energy installations. The new language would be an amendment to the county’s zoning ordinance. It would set the metrics to be used by the county board of adjustment in considering applications for special use…
Read MorePair of J-S alums featured on Mahanay carillon Wednesday
Two Mahanay Maestros who are Jefferson-Scranton alumni will be in Jefferson Wednesday, July 13, to play concerts on the Mahanay Memorial Carillon. Lisa Rasmussen Ott, class of 2002, will play at 12:15 – 12:30 pm for the popular Chews Jefferson concert. Tanner Taylor, class of 1999, will play another concert at 5:15 pm. Both events are free to the public.…
Read MoreHistorical Society hosting ‘history chats,’ one-room school visits and ag history at county fair
The Greene County Historical Society will have its buildings on the Greene County Fairgrounds open Friday and Saturday this week during the fair, with “history chats,” tours of a restored one-room country schoolhouse, and opportunities to learn about the farm tools and equipment that were commonly used in earlier times in the county. For the past six years, the “history…
Read MoreMeLinda Madison, Advanced Complex PTSD
To the editor, I’m writing this letter to the editor to letting your readers know about something that’s important to know and understand. Some people might or might not know this. I’ve been battling and living with Advanced Complex PTSD. This type of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is most commonly found in veterans who go off to serve in war…
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