Farmland Leasing Meetings for agriculture property owners, tenants, ag business representatives and lenders will be held at 11 different locations throughout West Central Iowa in early August. Each workshop will focus on current farmland value and lease rate trends, methods for determining fair ag rents for 2023, conservation practices, farmland lease communication and legalities, including how to write and terminate…
Read MoreYear: 2022
Scranton council appoints Ashley Squibb to fill vacancy
The Scranton city council at its July 12 meeting appointed Ashley Squibb to fill a vacancy on the council. Squibb has previous experience on the council. She takes the seat vacated by Cassidy Wilson who resigned in May. Squibb will serve until the election in November 2023. The Marchant Library report included information on the summer reading program. With the…
Read MoreScranton school staff holds reunion
Staff from the former Scranton school held a get-together June 25, sharing hugs, catching up, touring what’s left of the building, taking pictures and reminiscing. The 1919 three-story classroom structure is no longer there. It was razed 10 years ago, after being closed as an attendance center at the end of the 2007-08 school year. According to local history, a…
Read MoreCorn, beans still lagging behind but in good condition
Limited rain over much of Iowa resulted in 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 24, 2022, according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork included cutting hay as well as insecticide and fungicide applications. Topsoil moisture condition across Iowa rated 12 percent very short, 26 percent short, 61 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus. In…
Read MoreThirty years of shared birthdays
Thirty years ago, back in 1992, several area residents with July 24 birthdays began meeting for a joint celebration. As the years progressed, there have been as many as 15 who shared that date as their birthdate. This year the group met at The Centennial for a nice meal and dessert.
Read MoreA referendum for a new $12M jail will be on November ballot
Supes may okay another $2.9M debt for law enforcement telecommunications without voter approval A referendum asking for funding for construction of a new county jail will be on the Greene County ballot in the Nov. 8 general election. The county supervisors at their July 25 meeting heard from Heidi Kuhl of Northland Securities and Kristin Billingsley Cooper of Ahlers &…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending July 22
In Greene County district court Shannon Michael Meyer, 46, of Ralston was sentenced July 18 to 10 days in jail after he changed his plea to guity to a charge of driving while license barred. The jail sentence was suspended for six months and he was placed on informal probation to the Greene County sheriff for six months. He was…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending July 22
In Greene County magistrate court a judgment was entered July 20 against Dennis Joe Polich of Madrid on a charge of public intoxication. Polich was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge. Court costs were $60. Cases were initiated in magistrate court as follows: Shane Franklin Clark of Council Bluffs, violation of no contact order, two separate cases; Sirjohn Daniels Wilder…
Read MoreState Fair selections told
Judging of 2022 Greene County 4-H static exhibit entries was done Tuesday, July 12, by a variety of judges in the areas of animals; agriculture and natural resources; creative art; science, engineering, and technology; family and consumer sciences; and personal development. The static exhibit judging was coordinated by static superintendents Stacy Hardaway, Michele Hardin, Shari Minnehan, and Linda Hedges. The…
Read MoreResults told from county fair judging, 2022
Greene County 4-H members once again demonstrated what they’ve learned in a wide variety of project areas with their exhibits at the Greene County Fair, held July 12-18. The Clothing event was held Tuesday, July 12. Thirteen exhibitors participated in the event, which was judged by Meri Vos of Waukee. Youth participants also showcased their projects in the 4-H fashion…
Read MoreSupervisors to discuss possible referendum for new jail
The Greene County supervisors at their regular meeting Monday will discuss calling an election for a new jail and financing it. They expect to receive preliminary numbers, financing options, and related information. Heidi Kuhl of Northland Securities and Kristin Cooper of Ahlers & Cooney are expected to participate in the meeting. The discussion will begin at approximately 9 am. Audio…
Read MoreJefferson earns Iowa Great Place designation
Now eligible for more additional state funding The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs announced Friday that 13 Iowa communities, including Jefferson, will receive the state’s support through two creative placemaking programs that put the arts, culture and history at the center of creative community development. The department designated new Iowa Great Places in Jefferson, Oskaloosa, Washington and Woodbine, and re-designated…
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