American Legion places new bench near WWI tank

Members of American Legion Post #11 of Jefferson dedicated a 6-foot concrete bench to the community Oct. 22. The bench is located across from the Army tank on the north side of Lincoln Way, across from the Milwaukee Road depot. American Legion members thought seating was needed in the immediate vicinity of the tank and World War I monument. Veterans…

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Who are the slackers?

~ a column by Colleen O’Brien I hope you all voted. We were reminded so many times to do so in the last month I feared any anti-authoritarian would just shut down and go fishing. There’s a condescension in repeating directives, and people get this; we aren’t all dumb deplorables. An occasional reminder of the county treasurer who lost by…

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Carter Semke, 1998 – 2022

The Rev Heather Dorr, pastor at First United Methodist Church in Jefferson, will offer words of comfort. Aunt Makala Semke will share family reflections. Soloist will be Gary Haupert, accompanied by Sheryl Sloan. Carter Lane Semke was born in Jefferson to Ted and Mindy Semke on November 11, 1998. Awaiting his arrival was his big brother Spencer Semke, grandparents, and…

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Leaf raking tradition continues

For the 25th year, members of the Rotary-sponsored Interact Club at Greene County High School raked leaves for elderly and disabled Jefferson residents. The leaf raking project has been carried out every year since 1997, and grew to include all high school students. Since the Covid 19 pandemic, the project has been downsized to include only Interact members. The 2022…

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County to join in Operation Green Light

Supervisors hear of success of Boone/Greene County Probation program ~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline The Greene County board of supervisors, chaired by supervisor Dawn Rudolph in the absence of John Muir, heard a resolution at their meeting on Oct. 31 to support Operation Green Light in support of veterans. The resolution recognizes the accomplishments of veterans in “maintaining freedoms and…

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