Letter to the editor – B. Banister re: indoor pool

To the editor,

I can’t believe that the construction of an indoor pool is even being considered. If built it would be another drain on us, the taxpayers.

Property taxes here are high, to say the least. Years ago we were told that the rec center would pay for itself. Does it? I doubt it. Then there is the golf course, which only a handful of people use. We are told we need these things to get people to move here. It hasn’t worked, our population continues to decline.

An indoor pool would be another taxpayer burden, a big one. Why not use this $800000 donation to help build the new water plant. Your water rates are set to go up 40% over the next few years. That donation could offset much of that.

Now, it is possible that the money has been earmarked specifically for the rec center. If so, I think it would be much better to use the money to maintain the facility and let all kids use it for free.

Bruce Banister, Jefferson

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