Jefferson Rotary programs announced

Informative programs are a regular part of the meetings of the Rotary Club of Jefferson every Monday noon at the Jefferson Community Golf Course.  Club programs include topics of general and current interest as a benefit of membership in addition to the camaraderie of the members and service to the community.

“As a non-political organization, Rotary strives to provide opportunities for members and others to become more informed about current events and the people who shape them.  If there are candidates for political office, we expect respectful behavior and a willingness to listen and learn from the speakers,” said Jefferson Rotary program chair Craig Hertel.

A number of upcoming programs will provide enlightenment on topics and individuals of current interest including: David Dales,  Iowa Bureau of Criminal Investigation; Iowa Representative and candidate District #47 Carter Nordman;  Zach Nunn, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives; US Representative and candidate Cindy Axne; Randy Evans, “Freedom of the Press”; and Gary Clayton Overla, candidate for Iowa House District #47.

A meal is served at the meetings and a reservation is necessary for non-members.  Those interested in attending any one of these programs, should contact president Susan Laehn at 515-370-5883 at your earliest convenience.  Leave a message and the call will be returned.  Club secretary Steve Schwaller may also be contacted at his business, Royal Jewelers, 515-386-4216.

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