In the neighborhood

Sept. 20, 2022

FAMILY VISIT  – September 12 Jay and Ellen Bardole of Vincennes, IN, and their daughter Heather Hubert of Dexter, MI, arrived at the Roy Bardole home. Donald and Alice Bardole of Williamsburg arrived at the Kevin and Mary Hick home. Dick and Jo Bardole met them as Mary and Kevin were still at work. Monday night they all came to Roy and Phyllis’ to eat supper. Kevin had a class and was unable to come. Roy was late, but the group enjoyed visiting.

Tuesday morning the family went to the Rippey Cemetery. They spent a lot of time visiting the graves of relatives and friends. In fact, they took so long they had to go to eat in Jefferson before touring the other cemeteries.

Then they traveled to the Jefferson Cemetery. On the way back to Rippey, they stopped at the Old Rippey Cemetery. While there are some relatives there, mainly it was to see what a beautiful cemetery it is. Dick is the sexton and it is a quiet place to visit and meditate!

The group went back to Roy and Phyllis’ to visit. Dick and Jo left early because the supper was at their place!  

Mary Ann and Kevin know a member of their church who does photography, and Dick and Jo knew her also. So, after supper, they headed to Squirrel Hollow for a “photo shoot!”  It is beautiful there. When it got too dark to take pictures and enjoy the park, they went back to Dick and Jo’s to visit. 

Wednesday morning they got a late start, so headed to the Peony in Jefferson. Then off to Deal’s Orchard! The sunflower and zinnia fields are very impressive. If you haven’t visited you need to.  

Roy and Phyllis had to leave early for an appointment in Des Moines, but the rest were able to stay longer, get some apples and squash. Wednesday night’s meal was at Kevin and Mary Ann’s.  The group was all “running down”  by then! Cassie Bardole was home from St Louis for a few days so she and Lori Bardole stopped by.  Roy and Phyllis headed home for bed but Heather and Cassie came to their place to extend their visit. Heather also got to go see Liz (Bardole) Wuench in Ridgeport Tuesday afternoon.  

Jay, Ellen, and Heather left Thursday morning. Cassie came over and Pete and Tim got to say hi to them also. It was a fun few days. Some hadn’t seen each other since Schyler’s wedding or Liz’s wedding! They always enjoy visiting. They have been doing Zoom meetings the first of each month, but getting together in person is rare, and so much better! 


~by Cara McCoy, Librarian

September is Library Card Sign-Up month. If you haven’t been to the library, lost your card, just moved into the area etc., come by and get a Library card. There will be a prize drawing for checking out an item or getting a library card this month. 

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