Letter to the editor, Mary Weaver

Dear Editor Riley,

As I talk to my friends, regardless of politics, we all want similar things. A job that pays the bills and allows us extra funds for things we want, a safe community with strong public schools, and access to affordable health care and the prescriptions we need. 

But it seems like Republicans in Congress aren’t listening to us. They are voting against bills that would help us live a better life and take care of our families. It feels like they are only looking out for people like them – people with money and power. It feels like they care more about ensuring their wealthy donors and corporations before Iowans. 

They’ve taken no action on making the ultra-wealthy and corporations pay what they owe in taxes, no action to get families and kids out of poverty, and no action on raising our wages. Instead, we’ve had lower taxes for the wealthy, attempts to undo the Affordable Care Act, and a stagnant minimum wage. They have tried to weaken worker rights and they’ve taken away the rights and freedoms of women. These are not the values Iowans seek. 

This November, take a look at who is working for Iowans.

Mary Weaver, Rippey, Iowa

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