Recorder McDonald shares info about new OHV regs

Governor Reynolds signed House File 2130 into law June 13. This law, which went into effect July 1, allows for off highway vehicles (OHVs) to be operated on Iowa roads. 

Greene County recorder Deb McDonald shared important information about HF 2130.

The OHV must be registered with the DNR and display current registration.

The operator must be at least 18 years of age.

The operator must carry proof of insurance.

The operator cannot exceed 35 mph. 

There is no new fee or DNR road use registration that will be required. The OHV must be registered for off highway use with the DNR in order to be operated on Iowa roads. If a vehicle is registered with the DNR, the customer is also required to purchase a title.

Persons who want more information can click here for more information shared by McDonald.

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