The Pleasant Hill Memorial Committee, which oversees the maintenance and programming at historic Pleasant Hill Church in the southeast part of Greene County, is hosting Memorial Day Weekend homecoming event on Sunday, May 29.
Sundaes on Sunday will start with an ice cream sundae social at 5 pm, followed at 5:30 pm by a memorial program, featuring patriotic music by the Town and Country Band, with narration by Jeff Lamoureux, and President Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address recited by Jed Magee. The program will also include a tribute to the late Wallace Teagarden, lifetime member and benefactor of Pleasant Hill Memorial, by his nephew Jerry Evelsizer.
Persons who want more information can contact Pleasant Hill Memorial board president Peg Semke at 515-370-2930 or mesemke@hotmail.com.
Pleasant Hill Memorial is located at 1794 Redwood Ave southeast of Jefferson.