Does donate to FCCLA national conference trip, food pantry

Jefferson Drove #196 of the Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does provided financial support to five members of the Greene County chapter of Family Career and Community Leadership of America and their advisor Ashley Havens, for their trip to San Diego, CA, for the national conference of the FCCLA. All five students competed at the state conference; Brooke Williams and Maggie Mikkelsen placed first in their competition and will compete at the national conference.

Other students traveling to San Diego are Emma Shipley, Ella Shipley and Hailey Carman.

Pictured are (from left) Emma Shipley, Brooke Williams, Does member Kathy Walker, FCCLA advisor Ashley Havens, Maggie Mikkelsen, Ella Shipley and Hailey Carman.
Does Drove # 196 recently donated items to the Action Resource Center food pantry. Pictured are (from left) Does Donna Wolterman, Shelly Berger, Kathy Kempffer, Tammy Smith, Kathy Walker, Pat Miller, Vickie Ogren, Linda Smith and Shirley Danielson.

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