The Jefferson Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does recently made a pair of donations to local organizations. The Does support the community with the proceeds of various fundraisers including an Election Day soup luncheon, selling pie at the farmers market, and catering private and community events.
The Does donated $350 to the building fund for the new Greene County animal shelter. Pictured are (front, from left) Jan Mitchell and Swanson with Hank; and (back, from left) Donna Wolterman, Angela Milakovich, Mary Dayton, Tina McPherson, Jane Finch and Ann Wenthold. Swanson, Milakovich and Wenthold are PAWS volunteers.
The Does donated $500 to Adopt-a-Family. Pictured are (front from left) Adopt-a-Family board member Sherry Graven and Doe Vicki Ogren; and (back) Does Sharon Fisher, Tina McPherson, Ann Frederick and Donna Wolterman.