The Rippey Lions Club served over 200 BRR riders and others who came to share roast beef sundaes, chili, bars and beverages Saturday, Feb. 5. A good time was had by all.
In addition to Lions Club members, Myron and Maralynn, Mary and Rick Liebich, Rick Fazel, Greg Jacobs and Nancy and Dale Hanaman, other volunteers who helped were Greg’s granddaughters Tegan, Kyla and Kelsey McCool of Carroll; Frank Nation of Ogden; Margaret Den Beste of Perry; and Lyle and Paula Rychnovsky and Bobbi Dollinger, all of Rippey. A special thanks to the volunteers. Nancy Hanaman, reporting
Rippey United Methodist Church – The BRR riders didn’t disappoint the crew of volunteers at the Rippey United Methodist Church. A steady stream of bicyclists and other community supporters enjoyed the hospitality and a good meal. There were seasoned riders who asked about our people who weren’t serving this year, as well as those riding for the first time who paused long enough to take pictures of the table laden with pies! I especially enjoyed visiting with the two young men who came from Chicago to ride for the first time. They were impressed with the amount of food and hospitality provided by the people in our very small town. They hope to make this a yearly event and will bring more friends next year. Jean Borgeson, reporting