Search under way for new school superintendent

The position of Greene County Schools superintendent is posted on the Teach Iowa website, which is operated by the Iowa Department of Education as a clearing house for all jobs in education.

The posting was created by McPherson & Jacobson, a search firm specializing in education, after meeting with the Greene County Schools board last week. Lyle Schwartz and Dennis Bahr of McPherson & Jacobsen met with the board for close to two hours honing in on what the board is looking for.

According to the job posting, the board is looking for an effective leader with skills in personnel management, open honest communication, the ability to delegate, and to hold people accountable. The new superintendent will have extensive knowledge and experience with Iowa school finance; be a “passionate, dedicated educational leader” with an extensive background in teaching and learning; and someone who will work with community leaders and has experience with diversity, public relations, and advocacy for the school district.

McPherson & Jacobson will meet Feb. 16 with district administrators, directors, staff, and the public to gather information that will assist in screening applicants and then developing interview questions. The closing date for applications is March 2.

McPherson & Jacobson will provide the board with a list of candidates that best fit the qualifications, with the board selecting candidates to interview March 23. The board will interview three candidates during the week of April 4 and select the new superintendent that same week.

The board at its Feb. 2 special meeting set a salary range of $160,000 to $175,000 after considering salaries of several other comparably-sized districts. The superintendent will have a 260-day (full year) contract with 20 days of vacation per year. The new superintendent will start July 1.

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