December 28, 2021
Pre-holiday visitors – Visitors in the home of Virgene Morse earlier last week were Delores and Kevin Blanshan of Waterloo and their son and family, Eric, Dana and Jack Blanshan of Centreville, VA, and Kelsey Blanshan of Ames. Plenty of laughter and food were shared, with 2-year-old Jack providing the entertainment!
LIONS CLUB – The Rippey Lions Club members and friends will share memorials for two members who passed away recently.
Phil Roberts was sponsored by Myron Rinker when he joined the local club. Phil and his son Chris introduced the “roast beef sundaes” for the Bike Ride to Rippey participants and early on, prepared the potatoes at home.
Dan Acton was also sponsored by Myron Rinker and helped with the BRR ride meal and other activities. The club members will miss Phil and Dan as friends. Lions Club members extend sympathy to their family and friends.
CHRISTMAS EVE – Christmas Eve services were held at the Rippey United Methodist Church, with Pastor Cat Stokes presiding. Avery Bardole, accompanied by his mother, Yvette, provided the special music. The congregation sang “Silent Night” by candlelight, a tradition for many years. It was a nice evening for those who attended.
Lois Wolfe was a Christmas Day guest in the home of Rick and Mary Liebich. There was plenty of food and lots of memories to share. The women met while attending college at Simpson. Lois’ husband sent his regrets, as he had to work.
On Christmas, Jean Borgeson shared brunch with Alan and Sarah Borgeson, Kane and Kale, and lunch with Michael and Jill Borgeson, Jace and Seth, Rippey, as well as visiting Robert and Mel Borgeson and Mel’s mother, Pam, in Jamaica. It was a nice day to drive the countryside and driving the back roads was very pleasant and peaceful.
A late afternoon video chat with the Arizona kids was filled with a bit more excitement, as Santa brought just the right presents!