Ram spikers hit Saydel for victory

~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal The Greene County volleyball team took on the Saydel Eagles on Oct. 12 on the Eagles’ home court, winning 3-0 and increasing their record to 15-9 for the season. The Rams overtook the Eagles right away in the first set, going 25-11 to start the night. The next two sets also went to…

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Rams attack Clarke 49-2

Remain undefeated in Class 2A District 8 ~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal The Greene County varsity football team faced off against Clarke on Friday night and took the win 49-3 to increase their season record to 7-1. The Rams finished play in Class 2A District 8 undefeated.  In the opening round of Class 2A playoffs, Greene County (7-1)…

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Scranton United Charity Drive underway

The United Charity Drive for the Scranton community is underway. Committee members worked last week stuffing envelopes and preparing the donor information for mailing. They ask that people return their donations to Peoples Bank in Scranton or mail to P.O. Box 308 by Nov. 22. Committee members include Leesa Squibb, president; Niki Edwards, secretary; Ashley Squibb, treasurer; Becky Pemble, Jerry…

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Lying liars and those who vote for them

`a column by Colleen O’Brien “…the chain of responsibility,” a phrase used in an opinion column* in the October 15 New York Times turned out to be a surprising point of view that needs to be publicized. The guest columnist Mr. Eyal Press wrote about Americans who vote for people who wind up doing dreadful things once elected, which I…

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UMW serving chicken & noodles Sunday

The United Methodist Women of Jefferson will be holding a chicken and homemade noodle carryout/drive up dinner on Sunday, Oct. 25, from 11 am to 12:30 pm. The entree will be served over mashed potatoes and served with fruit salad and a dessert. Call the church for reservations 386-4411. Extra cooked chicken and noodles are also for sale and dried noodles…

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DNR reminds drivers to be alert for deer

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources advises to stay alert as they travel Iowa’s roadsides over the coming weeks. Autumn deer behavior, crop harvest and peak travel times for motorists combine to hike the risk of vehicle-deer collisions in Iowa. From the middle of October until the third week of November, Iowa bucks become more active in the pursuit of…

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TJG board opens ‘Understanding Democracy’ speaker series with First Amendment specialist

The Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County board will host a series of discussion events entitled Understanding Democracy. The first of the free events will be held Sunday, Oct. 31, beginning at 2 pm at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens Welcome Center.  Randy Evans, executive director of the Iowa Freedom of Information Council, will be the first speaker in the series.…

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Grow Greene County grant applications available

Grow Greene County has released its competitive grant application for the seventh round of grants that will be distributed to nonprofit, governmental and charitable organizations from Greene County which submit a successful application for a project. Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation is the local nonprofit corporation that holds the state gaming license in Greene County. Grants awarded in 2022 will…

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Rain slowed harvest only a little

Despite measurable precipitation across Iowa, harvest continued as farmers had 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Oct. 17, 2021, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Field activities continued to include harvesting soybeans and corn, fall tillage and applying fertilizer. Topsoil moisture levels statewide rated 8 percent very short, 34 percent short, 57 percent adequate and…

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