In the neighborhood

October 11, 2021

Lions Club – The  Rippey Lions Club shared a potluck meal at their regular meeting. As part of the business / planning meeting, the group considered fundraising plans, including a pancake meal in November, working on a list of those who might be interested in joining, community and other projects for the year ahead.  

The next regular meeting will be on Thursday, Oct. 21, and will be served by women from the Rippey United Methodist Church.

Iowa Central Community College performance – Saturday, Oct. 9, Phyllis Bardole rode with Pete, Yvette, Arthur and Aden Bardole to Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge to see Avery Bardole perform in “Who’s Dying to be a Millionaire?” This was performed at the Decker Auditorium on campus.  Avery’s aunt Rachel Kerns and cousin Cara Kerns from Mallard also attended. There were a lot of people from the Jefferson area at the performance. It was a “fast paced” play, enjoyed by all.

Rippey United Methodist Church celebrated Pastor Appreciation Sunday, Oct. 10, with Nancy Hanaman presenting a gift from the congregation.  

For many years, Rippey  United Methodist Church has raised funds for Church World Service. Blanket Sunday has started and the blanket will be on display for your donations for a few Sundays.

Vicki Kerns, Yvette Bardole’s mother, had knee surgery on Oct. 4. Yvette stayed with her, but it is reported that she is doing fine by herself. This knee was a birthday present of sort! Her birthday was Oct. 5.

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