Deb McGinn, In support of casino gaming

To the editor,

I am in support of the upcoming November 2 vote for full authorization of casino gaming.

From the beginning, the people involved with Wild Rose and Grow Greene County Gaming had our community and county’s best interest in mind. They have proven through with their actions what they would do.
Grow Greene County Gaming promised a certain percentage of money would be awarded to communities each year. Good works have been completed. They kept their promise.

Wild Rose casino promised great entertainment in a safe venue. They kept their promise.

As chairwoman of Tower View Team, I have seen first-hand what those extra funds can do. Grow Greene County Gaming was the major funder of our last art project, Arch Alley. We couldn’t have done a project of that magnitude without those funds.

What is more important than the grant however, was their support of the arts. To my knowledge, this was their first large grant for public sculptural art. Giving to the arts sometimes requires a great leap of faith as to what the “return” on the investment will be. Granting us the funds meant they could see how important art has become to our downtown.

I urge everyone to consider all the things that have become reality by the funds the casino generates; ask yourself “Would any more big projects get done easier if the casino funds would not be here in the future?”
The casino and Grow Greene made promises; more importantly, they kept their promises and we all have benefitted from them.

Deb McGinn, Jefferson

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