Letter to the editor – D. Lautner on the gaming referendum

To the editor,

With the football season starting, I believe our school system needs to tweak its curriculum. After all, we are trying to give our students the best education that money can buy. I believe each graduate needs to have one credit in casino playing and one credit in sports betting to earn a degree from high school.

After seven years of our casino’s existence, we as voters get to vote in November whether to retain or reject another seven years. Why would you vote not to retain the casino? Maybe one reason to vote “no” is what Tom Coates, financial advisor from Des Moines, told residents. He stated the casino will devastate our community and our uptown square. Have you noticed?

Also, since September 1st our local Telecom has changed Channel 14 on TV to the Sports Grid station that tells you how to bet on games, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Don’t you want your child to learn the “fine art” of spending their future income?

And then there is a constant bombardment by Draft King and Fan Duel offering you free money on TV and radio to start getting you hooked on sports betting.

Maybe some of these classes could be held at the Career Academy, just like classes 101 and 102 on proper tailgating techniques. This would be a wise use of the Career Academy.

Let us teach our kids how to properly gamble and place bets in high school, before we send them into the “Den of Lions.”

Denny Lautner, Jefferson

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