Judging of 2021 Greene County 4-H static exhibit entries took place Tuesday, July 6, at the Greene County Fairgrounds, by a variety of judges in the areas of animals; agriculture and natural resources; creative arts; science, engineering, and technology; family and consumer sciences; and personal development. The static exhibit judging event was coordinated by static superintendents Stacy Hardaway, Michele Hardin, Shari Minnehan, and Linda Hedges.
Results of the 2021 Greene County 4-H static exhibit judging where as follows:
Iowa State Fair Selections:
- Bailey Anderson, Photography, Terrier Dog
- Becca Anderson, Photography, Pink Flower
- Ella Tasler, Photography, Rain Drops
- Bailey Anderson, Photography, Goat and Cat
- Ella Tasler, Photography, Life Preserver
- Grace Hardaway, Visual Arts, Girl and Child
- Ava Schilling, Visual Arts, Original Arts
- Lucy VanderLinden, Visual Arts, Watercolor Self Portrait
- Sadie Gilbertson, Visual Arts, Abstract Watercolor
- Madison Truitt, Visual Arts, Multi-Media Print
- Hanna Fouch, Home Grounds Improvement, Harry Potter Fairy Garden
- Blaise Schilling, Fish and Wildlife, Carolina Rig Poster
- Conner Allender, Welding, Side Table
- Braeden Turner, Woodworking, Rocking Chair
- Jackson Turner, Woodworking, Cedar Box
- Aden Bardole, Woodworking, Bathroom Shelf
- Gavin VanderLinden, Food and Nutrition, Buttermilk Bread
- Eliot Schilling, Food and Nutrition, Concord Grape Pie
- Ashlyn Frederick, Food and Nutrition, Tea Ring
- Owen Frederick, Food and Nutrition, Fudge Bars
- Ella Tasler, Food and Nutrition, Swedish Pepparkakers
- Avery Bardole, Food and Nutrition, Gooseberry Pie
- Becca Anderson, Food and Nutrition, Kringles
- Paisley Lautner, Food and Nutrition, Angel Food Cake
- Lauryn Killion, Home Improvement, Distressed Mirror
- Lanie Fish, Child Development, Learning Center
- Lanie Fish, Clothing and Fashion, 4-H T-Shirt
- Carson Cerveny, Other Family and Consumer Sciences, Planter Disc Clock
- Hannah Curtis, Sewing and Needle Arts, Quilt
- Emmalin Wright, Cosumer Management, Dog Tire Jump
- Grace Hardaway, Citzenship, Dog Ties for Donation
Outstanding 4th Grade Exhibits:
- Lucas Daniel, Photography, Leaf Photo
- Ada Graham, Sewing and Needle Arts, Woven Blanket
- Brogan Groves, Sewing and Needle Arts, Tie-Dye Shirt
The 2021 4-H Communications at the Fair was held July 10. Judge was Paulette Madsen. The event was organized by communications superintendent Yvette Bardole.
Becca Anderson and Bailey Anderson competed in the Poster category. Both received purple ribbons and their posters were selected for the Iowa State Fair. Avery Bardole competed in the extemporaneous speaking category. He also received a purple ribbon and will compete at the State Fair.
Two youngsters, Emmalin Wright and Briella McDonald, participated in the working exhibit category. They received a purple ribbon and will present their exhibit at the State Fair. Avery Bardole and Grace Hardaway participated in a new event, Pride of Iowa. They received a blue ribbon and will compete at the Clay County Fair.
The 2020 4-H clothing event was held July 6. Seven exhibitors participated in the event, which was judged by Barb Sexton of Rockwell City. The show was organized by clothing superintendent Heidi Hunter.
Ilse Hooper was selected for the State Fair in the $15 Challenge. She won two blue ribbons in that event. Other participants and their ribbon placings were Laura McCarville (two blue), Ella Tasler, (blue) bMadison Turpen (blue), Jaelyn Hedges (blue), and Dakota Ostrander (blue). Hedges and McCarville were selected for the Clay County Fair.
Paisley Allen received four blue ribbons in the Clothing Selection division and was selected for the Clay County Fair. Ella Tasler received a blue ribbon.
The 2021 4-H dog agility show was held July 6, while the dog obedience, and showmanship shows were held July 7 at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Braeden Wehrich of Boone judged the dog agility, and Alyssa Staudt of Charles City judged handling/showmanship and rally. Lisa Haugland of Solon judged dog obedience. The shows were organized by dog superintendents Rachel Reece and Samantha Hardaway, with youth superintendent Treynor Cose. Click here to see results.
The poultry show was held Wednesday, July 7. Judge was Larry Eichenberger of Lakota. Poultry superintendents were Amanda McDonough and junior superintendent Shailynne Woodley. Click here to see results.
The rabbit show also held Thursday, July 8, judged by Jessica Emswiler of Algona. Amanda McDonough served as rabbit superintendent. Click here to see results.
The 4-H and FFA swine show was held Thursday, July 8. Judge was Drake Hook of Humeston. The show was coordinated by swine superintendents Cale and Alyssa Juergensen. Click here to see results.
The 4-H and FFA horse and pony show and Fun Show was Thursday in the horse arena. Judge was Joe Rowe of Sioux Falls, SD. Both shows were coordinated by horse superintendents Lindsey Cose and Jennifer Brincks. Click here to see results.
The 4-H and FFA beef pen of 3 show was held Friday, July 9. A total of 11 exhibitors competed in the event, which was judged by Chris Spence of Ames and Zeb Gray of Toledo. Gray judged the live production portion of the contest, while Spence evaluated the interview and recordkeeping component. The show was organized by beef pen of 3 superintendent Dan Frederick. Several volunteers assisted with the show as well.
The pen of 3 show was followed by the herd builder show, with Gray and Calvert judging. Dan Frederick coordinated the show and was assisted by volunteers during the show. Click here to see results of the pen of 3 and herd builder shows.
The beef and bucket calf shows were held Saturday, July 10. Adam Pryor of Woodbine judged the show. Bucket calf interviews were conducted by 4-H volunteer Noah Juergensen. The shows were coordinated by beef superintendents Brent Badger and Jeff Hughes. Click here to see results.
The sheep show was held Friday with Gerald Droppert as judge. Sheep superintendents were Steve Karber and David Wolf. Click here to see results.
The 4-H and FFA goat show was also held July 9. Judge was Chris Spence of Coldwater, KS. Meredith Fetters was goat superintendent. Click here to see results.
The 4-H Pet Show was held July 9, judged by Mollie Clark of Guthrie Center. The show was organized by pet superintendent Cassidy Carstens. Sandra Dawson received a purple ribbon in the cats division, and Karli Rudolph received a purple ribbon in the Other Pets division with her gecko.