Greene County middle school tells honor roll

Greene County middle school principal Shawn Zanders congratulated the following students for earning honor roll recognition for the spring trimester: High honor roll – Grade point average 3.67 or higher and no grade lower than a C-  8th grade – Elise Badger, Gavin Bellinghausen, Bailey Biggart, Ava Binkley, Devin Burke, Makayla Byerly, Hailey Carman, Crew Conner, Charles Cooklin, Emma Ewalt,…

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Harry Ahrenholtz named as 2020 ABC Award recipient

The Community Appreciation Night was held at the Greene County High School Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, June 16. It was organized by Jefferson Matters: A Main Street & Chamber Community. The focus of the event was to honor volunteers, educate the community about the merged organization and present awards, including the Above and Beyond the Call (ABC) Award. Presenters…

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Beaver Creek Watershed receives EPA funds

The Beaver Creek Watershed Management Authority, of which Greene County is a member, received funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Authority’s Farmer to Farmer grant program. The funding announcement was made Wednesday at the capitol in Des Moines. Funding to Iowa totals $2.5 million disbursed to the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and…

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Covid positivity rate at 0

The 14-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing is 0 percent as of June 16, reports Greene County public health director Becky Wolf. The last positive test in the county was May 28. There are currently 104 cases still considered active; 766 county residents have recovered and 11 have died of Covid-19. Wolf reports that 44 percent of all county residents…

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Supervisors discuss new jail, bond referendum to pay for it

~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline With plans nearing completion for the new law enforcement center to be located in the former Midland Power building near the municipal cemetery, the Greene County board of supervisors heard ideas at the regular meeting on June 14 for the construction of a new county jail on the same property. Representatives of ISG, an architectural,…

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Ram softball team at 3-9

~courtesy of The Scranton Journal The Greene County softball team defeated Glidden-Ralston 12-0 despite having only one hit. The Rams lost 5-2 to Perry and 3-0 to Saydel in last week’s action.  GC is 3-9 on the season, 2-4 in Heart of Iowa Conference standings. They had a doubleheader at Roland-Story Monday of this week, hosted Adel-DeSoto-Minburn on Tuesday and…

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Scholarships available for post high school programs

Application deadline is June 30 The Greene County School District Education Foundation will again award five Floyd Duane Dunlop Scholarships in the amount of $2000. The scholarship will be granted to Greene County School District graduates going into their second – fifth year of post-high school education in either a college or trade school program. Master’s programs are not included…

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Drought continues bearing down on Iowa

Continued dry conditions allowed farmers 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending June 13, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. In addition to planting, field activities included spraying post emergence herbicides, side dressing nitrogen, and harvesting hay. Topsoil moisture levels across Iowa rated 24 percent very short, 46 percent short, 30 percent adequate and 0 percent surplus.…

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