Covid positivity rate at 0

The 14-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing is 0 percent as of June 16, reports Greene County public health director Becky Wolf. The last positive test in the county was May 28. There are currently 104 cases still considered active; 766 county residents have recovered and 11 have died of Covid-19.

Wolf reports that 44 percent of all county residents are fully vaccinated. Among those 65 and older, 82 percent are fully vaccinated. Among those 12-18 years old, the most recent group to become eligible for the vaccines, 13 percent are fully vaccinated and 6 percent have received their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Among the county’s Hispanic population, 14 percent are fully vaccinated and 5 percent have received their first dose of vaccine.

“Despite our collaborative efforts, misinformation is a continuing theme,” Wolf said about efforts to get shots in arms.  “Claims that mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Pfizer) ‘shed’ virus continue to circulate widely on social media platforms. High-visibility vocal vaccine deniers continue to misrepresent the benefits vs side effects to reduce trust in the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Parents are hesitant to vaccinate their 12-18 year olds (‘let someone else go first’ or ‘kids don’t need the vaccine because they don’t get that sick with COVID-19.) We ask for your help by telling your COVID-19 vaccination story.”

She also noted that there’s a growing number of individuals not returning for their second dose of vaccine due to concerns about acute side effects after a second dose and a belief that one dose will provide enough protection from Covid-19.

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