Rippey News, June 7, 2021
Lions Club Guest Night – Rippey Lions Club members and guests enjoyed a meal with roast beef sandwiches, baked beans, salad and cookies on the menu. Frank Nation, Ogden, and Rick Fazel were special guests. Door prize winners were Frank Nation and Rick Liebich, Rippey 150th baseball caps; Myron Rinker, Rippey 150th plate; and Mary Liebich, an ornament made from slate from the Rippey School.
Nancy Hanaman shared a short history of the Lions Club noting that the club was chartered in 1944 with Jiggs Fry, John Jacobs, Dr. W.E. Chase, and Clark Bardole among the charter members. Among the current members are Mary Liebich, daughter of Jiggs Fry; Greg Jacobs, grandson of John Jacobs; and Nancy Hanaman, daughter of Clark Bardole. This is the start of the 76th year for the Rippey Lions Club. Greg Jacobs will become the new president at the September meeting.
Summer plans include a float in the Rippey 150th +1 parade and possible clean up at Osborn Park. The next regular meeting will be Sept. 3 with the tentative location for grilling at Dale and Nancy Hanaman’s home. ~ Nancy Hanaman
Rippey library news – Not too much to report this week. Some of the books I ordered last month got lost! They will be coming soon. It was a nice Memorial Day. I hope everyone got to a cemetery somewhere to remember the veterans we have lost. The Rippey Cemetery was lined with flags thanks to mayor Dan Brubaker. I was getting lunch ready, but I did get to watch the service later that Chris Roberts put on Facebook.
Don’t forget the magician is coming to the Rippey library, June 21. The Greene County Library Association funds this, so I hope it will be well attended. We hope to get a mailer out soon, and this will come in your mailbox. You can put it on your refrigerator so you will remember. August 6 at 2:30 the Blank Park Zoo program will be coming to the library. Both events are for parents, kids, and anyone able to come. They will be at the big Community Room.
School is out for the summer. I have had some younger patrons come in and play with some Legos. It has been a long time since the youth could come in. You need to remember Summer Reading will be starting soon. We still don’t have a date but keep checking.
Phyllis (McElheney) Lepke has kept us supplied in books. Some of the ones she brings we have, but she brings quite an assortment. We always will take books in good condition and not too old. I also “withdraw” several books that haven’t been read in five years. Those will be going to New Hope, so you might find a bargain there.
Thanks to Kyle Mowrer and Lyle Rychnovsky for getting our book drop painted! It looks much better. They are both library trustees. I appreciate their help. Lyle takes my recycling to binss when the box gets full. Remember to read a book! ~ Phyllis Bardole, librarian
Rippey High School alumni reunion – Rippey Consolidated School graduates and friends met at noon on Saturday, May 29, for their annual party in the fellowship hall of Rippey United Methodist Church. Roy Bardole welcomed the group and after the pledge to the flag, led the group in prayer.
After lunch, Jean Borgeson led an informal meeting. A grateful thanks to the cooks and their helpers Phyllis Bardole, Bev Derry, Maralynn Rinker, Myron Rinker, Lyle Rychnovsky, who prepared food and helped serve the group. Also, Marilyn Pentico and Mary Ann Miller provided cookies for those lingering after the meeting to visit.
Eleven known names of those who had passed away since the last meeting on May 25, 2019, were read.
Pat Carpenter Monthei represented the class of 1960, who would have been honored last year in the 60-year class. The 60-year class of 1961 was acknowledged. Those attending were Roy and Phyllis (Heater) Bardole, Marilyn (Barton) Stine and Norman Devilbiss.
Other alumni attending were: Mary (Ethell) Cunningham class of 1944, who had the distinction of being the oldest attendee; Vernon Fritz, class of 1945; Jean (Nation) Fountain, class of 1946; LaVere Derry, class of 1948; Valerie (Heater) Ogren, class of 1953; Beverly (Todd) Derry, class of 1954; Marilyn (Hiddleson) Pentico, Shirley (Minor) Linn, and Cappie (Thompson) Tucker, class of 1956; Darlene (Mount) Johnson and Bill Souder, class of 1957; Verdina (Odin) Hastings and Gail Monthei, class of 1958; and Mary Ann (Young) Miller, class of 1959. Guests attending were Paul Miller, Jackie Souder, and Kirk Brant, and Jean Borgeson.
Good food, a room full of laughter and great memories were shared. The group decided to meet again on May 28, 2022. The 60-year class of 1962 will be honored. This was the final class to graduate from Rippey High School.
Bardole family gathering – Friday, May 28, Jason, Allison, Levi, Kate, and Chase came to Iowa for a visit. Allison’s sister Bridget and her sons Oliver and Hugh came also. They came in two cars so it was a caravan! Of course Roy and Phyllis were there although I had to be at the church Saturday morning until 2 pm and also Monday morning. That was when they left to go back to Wisconsin.
Other visitors were Pete, Yvette, Arthur, Avery, and Aden Bardole from Jefferson; Tim and Lori Bardole from Rippey; and Cassie and Quill Bardole from Jefferson.
Oliver and Hugh had never been to a farm so they got the full experience that weekend! There was lots of go-cart, motorcycle riding. The boys had a metal detector and found some very old objects! Nothing too valuable, but still fun. There were BB guns, also.
Cassie and Kate got to do another Carpool Karaoke! They have so much fun, but Cassie said they are running out of songs they both know. We said we wouldn’t remember that they did them before. They are my oldest and youngest granddaughters. They have fun together! Schy’s cows had been moved to the “old grove”, so they went up there to see them and even fed them a little corn.
Schyler, Lauren, Adam, and Luke were not able to come. Luke had been sick and they didn’t want to give it to anyone. We missed them.
Roy, Jason, Allison, and Bridget went to see Pleasant Hill church and cemetery. I guess there are also still tracks of the stagecoach there. They said the gravestones had lots of young who died way too soon.
When I got home from church Saturday, the family gave me a boost by planting some petunias and dividing some hostas! Then Tim and Lori went to find some mulch and a clematis. They didn’t find the clematis, but did bring home a hydrangea! Arthur and Avery helped divide and weed. I may have to see if they can come again to do that. Roy said it gave us a new lease on life to have the landscaping done. He doesn’t have time and I give out after a little while.
It was fun having the family here. Bridget was so appreciative. She had been going through cancer treatments and now has to have radiation. It made a good diversion. They may come anytime Jason and Allison and family come.
“Young” cousins gather – Dale and Nancy Hanaman hosted the “Young cousins” on Memorial Day following the lunch at the Rippey United Methodist Church. The families are children of Mary Ella Young and Lawrence Huber, Byron and Mavis Young and Wallace and Ruth Young. Those gathering included Robert Huber and Lyn Countryman, Cedar Falls; Sterling and Vicky Young, Clear Lake; Eldon and Jane Young, Des Moines; and Mark and Jan Young, West Des Moines.