~by The Scranton Journal
The Scranton Community Center saw a dramatic drop in use due to the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. That in turn affected the financial report.
There were only nine private rentals in 2020 as compared to 28 the previous year. Those rentals included family gatherings, graduations, baby and bridal showers and birthday parties which utilized the community room (7), community room/kitchen (1) and community room/gym (1).
Other rentals included 116 school bus stops; eight middle school basketball games; 116 Play4Him basketball; five Play4Him volleyball; 30 AAU practices; 16 Scranton Manufacturing/New Way; Scranton Tractor Ride, land auction and funeral.
Recreational activities included 62 walkers and three six-on-six basketball practices.
The facility was also used for the primary and general elections, Democrat and Republican caucuses, Boy Scout meeting, Greene County public health, County wide 4-H basketball tournament, library Valentine party, Greene County School District sack lunch location and seven times by the school as a remote learning site.
The facility was closed per the Governor’s orders from March 21 – May 25.
Dawn Rudolph heads the volunteers who contributed 879 hours of work at the facility. Rudolph leads the pack with 560 hours while these people worked a collective 319 hours: Delores Gibson, Doug Hawn, Jerry Boyd, Carol Eason, Amy Christian, Bill Taggart, Deb Taggart, Jeff Rudolph, Annette Herridge, Keri Jennings and Nikki Edwards.
In the past, the volunteer hours ranged from 774 in 2016 to 950 in 2018.
Serving on the advisory board are Christian, Eason, Rudolph, Hawn, Bill Taggart, Boyd and Herridge.
Several building improvements were completed including a new air conditioning unit for the stage; new lunchroom window; five windows were removed and bricked closed; gutters installed at the upper level and north entrances; steel replaced at the southeast corner of the building; door at the northwest corner of the gym replaced and a second AED was added.
Rudolph estimates the Community Center lost at least $3,700 in revenues from rentals that were not held as well as the money raised by the annual six-on-six basketball event/soup supper fundraiser that was cancelled.
The Covid effect is also shown in the building use: 383 in 2020 compared to 595 in 2019; and in the days the facility was used: 222 in 2020, 318 in 2019.
With more people obtaining the vaccination, it is hoped the building use will return to the 2019 levels. Already, the Scranton Alumni Association has announced plans to postpone the reunion from this year to 2022.
To rent the facility, contact Rudolph at 515-370-5605.