Grant deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 10
Applications for the 2021 grant cycle of the Greene County Community Foundation are now available from the Foundation’s new website.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, gaming revenues were lessened this year and the amount allotted for grants by the Foundation will be reduced. Funds to be distributed are allocated by Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation, which is the non-profit gaming license holder for Wild Rose Casino and Resort in Jefferson.
The Foundation will once again consider grant applications up to $35,000. Any project more than that amount must be considered through Grow Greene County. Over the past 15 years, Greene County Community Foundation has awarded more than $1.5 million in grants to non-profit organizations and governmental entities.
Applications are available online. To apply, click the link below, then log in to download or complete an application on-line.
Downloaded applications are due at the Journey Financial office in Home State Bank in Jefferson by Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 4 pm. On-line applications will be submitted electronically. Grants will be reviewed in February then awarded in mid-March.
Persons who need more information can call the Journey Financial office at 515-386-2570.
Website: http://forgreenecounty.org/
Email: greeneccf@gmail.com