Sorenson shares Comet Neowise pics

Early “birds” don’t only find worms; this week they may see a comet in the morning twilight. Local astronomer Drew Sorenson shares photos of Comet Neowise he took Monday morning. The photos are taken with only his camera; a telescope isn’t needed to see Neowise. Neowise is the brightest comet in 23 years, astronomers say. Its closest pass around the…

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Chamber, Main Street hire director

The merged organizations of Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce have hired Reegan Hanigan as executive director, effective July 6. Both organizations have been in the process of merging and seeking a common director for several months. Jamie Daubendiek, president of the Jefferson Matters board, spoke for both boards. “We were very impressed with Reegan’s…

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Instrument donation completes project

A popular feature for kids of all ages at Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County is the trio of playable, outdoor musical instruments.  No matter the age, skill, or ability of the visitor, the “sound sculptures” are an engaging attraction and interactive art.  Music builds community and these instruments help people express creativity in an outdoor environment.  A generous donation…

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Jeff council to take first look at proposed cat policy

The Jefferson city council will discuss a “cat policy” at its July 14 meeting. Council meetings have been the scene of heated discussions about trap-neuter-release programs over the past year. The policy that will be discussed makes no mention of trap-neuter-release, but it does mention “humane euthanasia.” Residents may trap cats on their property. It is recommended to have the…

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Farmers market opens Tuesday

New safety procedures told The Greene County farmers market opens Tuesday, July 14, at its usual location in the east parking area of the courthouse in Jefferson. The hours of operation are the same as in recent years, 4 to 6:30 pm. “We appreciate your support as Greene County farmers market adapts its operations to provide a safe shopping experience…

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Vets serving Thursday supper

Members of VFW Post 9599 and the VFW auxiliary are serving supper Thursday, July 16, from 5 to 7:30 pm at the hall at 109 N. Chestnut St in Jefferson. The menu will feature creamed chicken over biscuits, corn or green beans, and a dessert. A free will donation will be accepted. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there will be…

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Rams fall to PCM 10-6 in b’ball

~by Joseph Beaudet, Scranton Journal intern Ram baseball fell despite an early lead against the PCM Mustangs on Wednesday, July 8. Nick Breon got his first start on the mound of the season on Wednesday and gave the Rams 4 2/3 innings. Breon allowed five runs, all of them earned while on the mound. He gave up five hits while…

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No tobacco until age 21, new law says

Gov Kim Reynolds on July 6 signed a bill into law that raises the legal age to purchase cigarettes and tobacco and vaping products to 21. The Iowa Senate passed the bill in March of this year, but the legislative recess due to Covid-19 kept the Iowa House from taking up the bill until June 11. “This law brings Iowa…

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Ram softball team gets first win of season

~by Joseph Beaudet, Scranton Journa intern The Ram softball team got its first win of the season in a thriller against the PCM Mustangs on Wednesday, July 8. On the mound, Emma Hoyle had her ups and downs, but started and finished her complete game strongly. Hoyle allowed five earned runs and three unearned runs in six innings on her…

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Greene County district court, ending July 6

In Greene County district court Ashley Nicole Paulsen, 32, of Perry was sentenced June 26 to five years in prison after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of operating while intoxicated- third offense. All but 30 days of the prison term was suspended, and 30 days of inpatient treatment for alcohol dependence will satisfy the prison term.…

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Greene County magistrate court, ending July 6

A judgment was entered June 30 in Greene County magistrate court against Sandra Ann Burris of Scranton on a charge of assault. Burris was fined $65 with a $22.75 surcharge. Court costs were $102. Charity Leann Snavely of Grand Junction was sentenced to 10 days in jail on a Department of Public Health violation. The jail time was suspended and…

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