Covid-19 numbers continue swift increase

If trend continues, 896 cases by Dec. 4 Greene County added 26 confirmed positive case of Covid-19 Tuesday, bringing the total to 447 as of Wednesday morning, Nov. 18, according to Greene County director of public health Becky Wolf. There have been 224 new cases in the past 14 days, 132 in the past seven days. The average positivity rate…

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Volunteers clear brush at Scranton Pond

The first week of  November found some young people at the Scranton Pond performing some community service clean up after the storms that hit the Scranton area this summer. Steven Johnson, Quinten and Americus Squibb, all home school students, along with their grandparents, Neal and Leesa Squibb, decided to make the Scranton Pond a community service project for this school year.  Several trees were cut  down thanks to the city of Scranton and …

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Thanksgiving lite

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Hopeful ideas for Thanksgiving get-togethers are fading. Invisible coronaviruses are running rampant across the country – total deaths as of last weekend? Two-hundred and fifty-one thousand, two-hundred and sixty-eight souls. A few governors are now clamping down, closing schools and bars, talking about mandatory masks and social distancing, even cancelling sports. So, even small clan…

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JPD adds another new officer

Jeff council moves toward fees for collecting cardboard for recycle The Jefferson police department is on its way to full staffing with the hiring of a second patrol officer. The city council approved the hiring and was introduced to new patrol officer Jamie Brenner at its regular meeting Nov. 10. Brenner graduated from Gilbert High School and pursued nurse’s training…

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Supervisors see draft contract for purchase of Midland Power building

Also discuss Zoom access to meetings ~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline The draft of an installment contract to purchase the Midland Power office building and grounds at 1005 E. Lincoln Way in Jefferson was presented to the Greene County board of supervisors by county attorney Thomas Laehn at the board’s regular meeting Nov. 16. If the purchase proceeds to completion,…

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National Rural Health Day is Thursday

Greene County Medical Center recognized the innovation, quality of care and dedication of health professionals and volunteers in the community during National Rural Health Day 2020. National Rural Health Day falls on the third Thursday of November each year and recognizes the efforts of those serving the health needs of an estimated 57 million people across the nation. “Rural communities…

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Harvest nearly finished

Above normal rainfall, snow in Northwest Iowa and cooler temperatures only allowed Iowa farmers 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Nov. 15, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork activities again included harvesting corn and soybeans, baling corn stalks, applying fertilizer and manure, and tillage. Topsoil moisture condition across Iowa rated 13 percent very short,…

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Covid numbers still increasing

The number of Covid-19 cases in Greene County continues its upward climb. Greene County public health director Becky Wolf reported Tuesday morning there are now 252 active cases in the county, with 26 new cases reported in the previous 24 hours. A total of 430 residents have had or now have Covid-19. One resident has died from the illness. Twenty-eight…

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Gov Reynolds imposes statewide mask mandate

Four days after the Greene County supervisors approved a mask mandate for Greene County, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds did the same for the entire state. In a statement timed to open most local television news programs, Reynolds outlined new mitigation efforts that go into effect tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12:01 am. She described the efforts as being “targeted toward activities and…

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Covid-19 still on the rise in county

The number of cases of Covid-19 in Greene County continues to grow. Greene County public health director Becky Wolf reports 241 active cases as of Monday morning. A total of 415 residents have had or now have the virus. One county resident has died of Covid-19. The 14-day positivity rate of testing is 25.9 percent, up from 23.3 a week…

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