Election stories

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Although it’s way past Election Day and most of us are moving on, I have stories to tell from poll watching, something I’d never done. The stories are mostly uplifting in a way that is reassuring as we’re bombarded with an invisible enemy on top of political hubris. As a poll watcher for Common Cause,…

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Babysitting Basics slated for Dec. 23

Registration deadline is Dec. 15 Babysitting Basics, a course for Greene County youth in grades 5-8, will be held Wednesday, Dec. 23, from 9 am to 3 pm at the Greene County Extension office in Jefferson. Cost is $40 for all registrations received by Tuesday, Dec.15. Class size is limited. If there is room, additional registrations will be accepted at…

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Ag Coffee slated for Dec. 11

Greene County Extension & Outreach is hosting a series of Ag Coffee events, bringing farmers and other agricultural professionals together for an informal discussion on current ag topics. Area producers are invited for an Ag Coffee Friday, Dec. 11, from 9:30 to 11 am at the Greene County Extension office meeting room. This month’s topic will be “Dicamba in 2021”…

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Christmas in Scranton cancelled for 2020

The holiday season has officially begun but it will be much different than in the past due to COVID-19.  Many holiday traditions have been cancelled or modified to meet social distancing and mask requirements. There will be NO Christmas in Scranton celebration in 2020. Many businesses hold open house, serving refreshments, drawings for door prizes and greeting customers and friends. …

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End of 2020 crop season sees soil moisture still lacking

Scattered rain and snow showers only allowed Iowa farmers 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending Nov. 29, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. The southeastern portion of the state received the most precipitation. Fieldwork activities included harvesting corn for grain, baling corn stalks, applying fertilizer and manure, and hauling grain to elevators. Topsoil moisture condition…

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Greene County district court, ending Nov. 27

In Greene County district court Brooklyn Sage Podell, 21, of Grand Junction was sentenced to 30 days in jail after she pleaded guilty to a charge of assault- simple, amended from domestic abuse assault causing injury or mental illness. All but two days of the jail time was suspended and she was placed on informal probation to the Greene County…

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