Covid-19 positivity rate at 11.1 percent, down slightly

The 14-day positivity rate for Covid-19 testing in Greene County is 11.1 percent as of Tuesday morning, Dec. 22. Two new cases of Covid-19 were identified in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases to 639. There have been seven new cases in the past three days, 19 new cases in the last seven days and 61 new cases in the last 14 days.

Of the total cases, 135 are active and 504 persons are considered recovered. Seven county residents have died of Covid-19.

Greene County public health and the emergency operations center is finalizing plans for the arrival of the Covid-19 vaccine yet this week. The most at-risk priority groups – healthcare workers and residents of nursing homes – will be offered the initial doses of vaccine. As more shipments arrive, public health will expand efforts to vaccinate residents in additional priority groups.

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