Jeff council adds special meeting

The Jefferson city council canceled its last regular meeting for the year but is holding a special meeting Friday, Dec. 18, at 1 pm at the municipal building. The agenda includes approving the hiring of an accounting clerk/administrative assistant; approving the purchase of programmable controllers for the water treatment plant; approving a contract to rental additional tasers for the police…

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Total Covid-19 cases now at 625

Five cases of Covid-19 were diagnosed among Greene County residents in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of cases in the county to 625. Greene County public health director Becky Wolf reports 20 new cases in the last three days, 45 in the last seven days, and 70 in the last 14 days. The 14-day positivity rate for…

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Extension tells 4-H award recipients

Over the last two months, 4-H members have been recognized at their club meetings for the annual 2020 Greene County 4-H Awards. Record books submitted by 4-H members were judged by volunteers who decided on the final awards, recognizing outstanding record books and excellence in project work over the past year. “The Awards Ceremony is the final process of the…

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From the Iowa Department of Public Safety

The holiday season is known for celebrations and traditions, but it is also known for being the deadliest season when it comes to impaired driving.  Iowa Law Enforcement across the state will partner with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) this holiday season to remove impaired drivers from the roads and help save lives.  From…

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