Area residents are invited to join the Iowa National Heritage Foundation (INHF) for a pandemic-friendly, family-friendly volunteer opportunity Saturday, Dec. 12, at Perkins Prairie southwest of Jefferson.
During the winter workday – 10 am to 12 pm – volunteers will help remove brush and non-native plants from the prairie. Participants will use various hand tools to manually cut invasive brush. They may work alongside or with an experienced chain sawyer. No experience is necessary; instruction will be provided. New and seasoned volunteers of all ages are welcome.
Perkins Prairie Preserve is a 30-acre preserve on M Ave, across from Seven Hills County Park southwest of Jefferson. Carol Perkins and Karen Voge-Perkins donated the property, which features gently rolling hills of remnant prairie, to INHF in 2014. It is now owned and stewarded by INHF.

The workday will be family friendly; children are welcome. Volunteers should wear sturdy shoes, long pants, a face mask and work gloves, and bring a water bottle.
An RSVP is required. Click here for the RSVP.
Click here to learn more about Perkins Prairie Preserve.
Persons who want more information can contact INHF volunteer coordinator Melanie Schmidt at