Covid-19 numbers continue swift increase

If trend continues, 896 cases by Dec. 4

Greene County added 26 confirmed positive case of Covid-19 Tuesday, bringing the total to 447 as of Wednesday morning, Nov. 18, according to Greene County director of public health Becky Wolf. There have been 224 new cases in the past 14 days, 132 in the past seven days.

The average positivity rate of testing over the past 14 days is 25.9 percent. Days to double is at 16. If the trend continues, Greene County will have 896 total cases by Dec. 4.

There are now 266 active cases of Covid-19 in the county. The number of persons who have recovered is at 182. Forty-five percent had no pre-existing health condition and 26 percent had no Covid symptoms.

Breakdown for age groups for positive cases is as follows:

  • 0-18 years: 16 percent
  • 19-39 years: 30 percent
  • 40-59 years: 30 percent
  • 60-74 years: 19 percent
  • 80 and older: 5 percent

Gov Kim Reynolds and the Greene County board of supervisors have mandated all persons older than 2 years old who are physically able must wear a mask when in a public place and unable to maintain a 6-foot distance from others.

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