Greene County public health director Becky Wolf on Friday morning reported the first death due to Covid-19 in the county. “We extend our most sincere condolences to the family,” Wolf said, but provided no further information except that the deceased is 60-79 years old.
She reported 36 new cases of Covid-19 among county residents in the past 24 hours. There have been 67 new cases in the past three days, 124 new cases in the past seven days, and 165 cases in the past 14 days. The total number of cases is now at 380, with 211 active cases. Forty-four percent of those persons have no pre-existing medical condition, and 30 percent had no Covid symptoms.
The 14-day positivity rate of Covid testing is now 25.9 percent.
Breakdown for age groups for positive cases is as follows:
- 0-18 years: 15 percent
- 19-39 years: 31 percent
- 40-59 years: 32 percent
- 60-74 years: 17 percent
- 80 and older: 5 percent
Wolf asks the public to help slow the spread of Covid-19 by following the Three Ws:
- Wash your hands
- Watch your distance
- Wear a mask.
She also reminds county residents to take all the following precautions to decrease the likelihood of contracting Covid-19:
- Wear a mask whenever you leave home and may around non-household friends and family
- Social distance – Avoid allowing others to enter your “6-foot bubble”
- Wash your hands frequently. Aim to increase your current hand-washing by 50 percent
- Avoid touching your face, including your eyes, nose and mouth
- Stay home if you’re ill
- Eat healthy foods, get plenty of rest and exercise outdoors daily