Supervisors commend retiring Tasler, discuss snowflake yard decorations

~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline

At their regular meeting on October 26, the Greene County supervisors passed a resolution commending retiring county recorder Marcia Tasler for her 43 years of service to Greene County. Tasler served almost 34 of those years as county recorder.

Tasler, who is retiring Oct. 31, attended the meeting with family members and was presented with a framed certificate. She was commended for “dedication and commitment to Greene County and its residents.”

Anthony Minnehan, councilman from the city of Churdan, spoke to the board about public and privately funded work planned for the city. He inquired about possible Dreyfus grant funding for restoration of some buildings in Churdan, tearing down unusable houses, and utilization of empty lots.

Minnehan mentioned the Iowa Officer Memorial at Churdan as a point of pride for the city.

The board was interested in the ideas being discussed for Churdan. Supervisor Peter Bardole said, “GCDC (Greene County Development Corporation) might be able to help.”

In other business, the board unanimously approved a resolution soliciting winter holiday decorations for the courthouse grounds and directed the county engineer to obtain lighted snowflakes designed to be hung in the trees around the courthouse. The Public Art Policy requires this first resolution of solicitation.

If the snowflakes meet the board’s approval and the  intended message of “holiday cheer and good wishes to those who visit the Greene County Courthouse and Courthouse Square” as required by the Public Art Policy, a second resolution will be introduced “affirming the lighted snowflakes (do) convey the board’s intended message.”

The snowflakes can then be legally secured to the trees on the courthouse grounds. The board stated its intention the snowflakes could be displayed each subsequent winter “to encourage enjoyment of the winter holiday season.” Further resolutions in subsequent years will not be needed.

In other business, county engineer Wade Weiss submitted the annual weed commissioner’s report noting mowing and minor cutting were basic activities due to the pandemic.

Supervisor Dawn Rudolph asked Weiss about a request to keep a particular road in the county open for a postal delivery route. Weiss said he was aware of the request and is looking into it.

Paige Witte, insurance broker representing AFLAC health coverage, spoke to the board to ask about coordinating with the county’s main insurance broker, Ryan Berven, regarding a few employees who have remained with AFLAC and whether AFLAC should be continued as an option for employees because there are so few employees enrolled in it.

Witte said most employees chose to switch to Transamerica health coverage a year ago.

The board agreed to Witte’s request to speak with Berven.

At the top of the meeting, board members each reported briefly on the many committees and organization meetings they have attended recently. 

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