New Supreme Court judge believes in ‘Originalism’ – Hoopskirts and side saddle, here we come

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

Between September 26 and October 26, we have witnessed the birth of an uneven far-right High Court in our nation that will be allowed to undermine all of us for decades to come. In one swiftly moving month, the latest Supreme has been hand-picked, interviewed, introduced, questioned and sworn in.

It is a week before we elect new Senators who would not have voted her up the steps of the Supreme Court.

During this fast month, I marched beside a friend who dressed as Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Her sign read “I dissent,” and mine read, “I march for my daughter and granddaughters.” I regret that she and — and 49 percent of the country who were dissenting in not wanting the Supreme Court nominee – were ignored by the people we elect and pay to protect us.

The regression of thought on the Court to what they call an “originalist” point of view takes us back to the “original” Constitution. Two and a quarter centuries back, to when women could not vote, hardly anyone could vote, really — only wealthy white guys had the franchise,

And back to when we could buy and sell humans.

Does this mean that the 27 Amendments to the Constitution, which by the way includes the Bill of Rights, especially that Second one which insures your right to an AK47, according to some decisions by the Court, perhaps will change back to single-loaded muskets?

If the newly packed Court votes to strike down Roe V. Wade and take us back to no personal power for women (men’s bodies and choices are not legislated) in an ‘originalist’ way, does this mean that soon we women will lose the vote?

  • Social Security will be gone?
  • No Medicare or Medicaid to make us a bit more even with the wealthy white males and their families when it comes to healthcare?
  • No regulation of banks too big to fail?
  • No laws regarding clean water and air?
  • No federal aid to fight pollution, million-acre fires, category 5 hurricanes?
  • No civil rights?

Apparently, the idea of advancing into each next age has become tiresome to some, and we get to become 21st Century Luddites. This is the name of a group of angry white men in England just about two centuries ago – not too long after our Constitution was written – who tore new things down, smashed machines and burned the buildings that housed them because of the inventions inside that threatened the status quo. Had the Luddites grown and been allowed their way, we presumably would have no cars, no condoms, no safe food, no public education, no women working for money…let alone being judges.

I do have to say, I don’t get it at all, the idea that the literal, original words of a centuries-old document of such great promise is being used in this falsely sanctimonious way. I’m not quite sure what the ‘originalists’ intend, other than dominion over women, blacks and browns; and perhaps more power to the landed gentry?

So much for progress and what really needs sanctity – our votes.

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