Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department:
Saturday, Oct. 31: Routine activity reported.
Friday, Oct. 30: At 2:23 pm a complainant reported the theft of his bicycle from the 500 block of N. Grimmell Rd. The officer is investigating. At 3:12 pm a resident reported a brush fire near W. Russell St and S. Grimmell Rd that had the potential to get out of control. The officer requested the Jefferson fire department to help control the fire.
Thursday, Oct. 29: City coverage provided by GCSO from 6 am to 6 pm. At 8:37 pm a complainant reported an abandoned bicycle in the 1200 block of S. Grimmell Rd. The officer placed the bike in the impound lot.
Wednesday, Oct. 28: At 1:46 am a complainant came to the LEC to report a domestic abuse assault against her that occurred at a residence in the 700 block of Pinet Place. The officer is investigating. At 5:48 pm a mother reported a cell phone had been taken from her son’s coat pocket at Greene County Community Center. The officer is working to gather any video that may exist to further the investigation.
Tuesday, Oct. 27: At 11:03 am staff at Bomgaars reported two returned checks from a transaction at the business on 10/06. The checks came back on a closed account and totaled more than $675. The officer provided the business with a 10-day notice of bad check form to be served on the subject. If the subject ignores the notice, it becomes a theft, and the officer will move forward with charges.
Monday, Oct. 26: At 8:07 am an officer took a burglary complaint from Q3 Contracting. Work vehicles belonging to the contractor had been parked in the 700 block of W. Clark St over the weekend. Unknown subject(s) had pried open the toolboxes on a vehicle and stole numerous construction tools and equipment. The stolen items will exceed $5,000 in value to replace. The officer is investigating. At 9:42 am Dalton Ostrander reported he had struck a utility pole near the water tower in the 900 block of W. Central Ave. He advised he lost control of his 2001 Ford F250 and the vehicle swerved to the north, striking the pole. Ostrander was cited for failure to maintain control. Damage to his pickup truck was estimated at $7,500. Alliant Energy was contacted to inspect the utility pole for damage. At 1:30 pm Annette Russell reported a hit-and-run accident that had occurred 10/22 in the parking lot at Hy-Vee. Her 2019 Dodge Ram pickup truck had been struck by an unknown vehicle, causing $1,000 in damage to the side of the truck bed.
Sunday, Oct. 25: The GCSO covered the city from 6 am to 6 pm. At 11:12 pm a complainant requested an officer at Wild Rose Casino after being threatened by another male at the playing tables. The officer arrived and learned the casino staff had requested the other male involved to leave, which he had. The officer took a harassment complaint and is investigating the reported event.
Saturday, Oct. 24: The GCSO covered the city from 6 am to 6 pm. Routine activity reported.
Friday, Oct. 23: Routine activity reported.
Thursday, Oct. 22: At 5:25 pm an officer investigated a traffic accident in the 100 block of N. Wilson Ave. Heather Reiling of Grand Junction left the roadway and struck the brick corner post owned by the city of Jefferson, and continued northbound and struck a parked vehicle owned by Dale Higgins of Grand Junction. Reiling was cited for failure to maintain control. Damage to her 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix was estimated at $2,500. Damage to Higgins’ vehicle was estimated at $800. The corner post was not damaged.
Wednesday, Oct. 21: At 3:35 pm an officer investigated a two-vehicle property damage accident at S. Elm and W. Russell Streets. Richard Finch of Jefferson was driving his 2018 Chevrolet Equinox northbound on Elm St in the inside lane. Zachary Goff of Jefferson was southbound in the outside lane driving his 2002 Chevrolet Impala. Both vehicles came to the traffic light at Elm and Russell at about the same time. As the traffic light turned yellow, Finch attempted to turn westbound on Russell St and the vehicles collided. Damage to both vehicles was extensive. Finch was cited for failure to yield upon left turn. At 8:58 pm an officer performed a traffic stop in the 1600 block of Highway 30. During the stop, the officer figured out the female driver had given false identity information to him, to which she ultimately admitted. The officer arrested Tarrin Laurel Thomas, 38, of Adel for interference with official acts (simple misdemeanor)*. She was also cited for operation without registration, driving while license suspended, and fraudulent use of registration.
Tuesday, Oct. 20: Routine activity reported.
Monday, Oct. 19: *****An officer has sent charges to juvenile court for an 11-year-old male for theft- fifth degree. The charge results from an investigation initiated on 09/14 after a UPS delivery was made to the residence, but did not belong to the resident. The ordered items were never given back to the subject who ordered them, prompting the charge.
Sunday, Oct. 18: Routine activity reported.
Saturday, Oct. 17: At 9:03 am a complainant reported an injured deer in the 1000 block of S. Elm St. The officer dispatched the deer. At 3:24 pm a complainant reported hit and run damage to his 2012 Ford Mustang parked overnight in the 900 block of W. Lincoln Way. The vehicle received damage estimated at $300 to the back bumper. At 4:03 pm a complainant reported children riding a small dirt bike in the alley of the 800 block of W. Lincoln Way. The officer spoke to parents who were supervising the event and requested they stay out of the alley. At 5:28 pm a complainant reported finding two juvenile females crying in the 300 block of W. Madison St. The complainant asked if they needed help and they told her they were running away from home. The officer spent some time with them speaking about home rules and their importance. A grandparent arrived and took the girls back home.
Friday, Oct. 16: At 9:09 am staff at the Department of Human Services contacted an officer with information of a possible sex assault of a child which reportedly took place in Jefferson several years ago. The officer is assisting DHS with the investigation. At 12:38 pm a complainant reported a stray dog pulling a cable near the 400 block of S. Olive St. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility.
Thursday, Oct. 15: At 1:22 pm a resident reported she had received a phone call advising of a charge to Amazon on her account in error. She was instructed she was overpaid when the company refunded her the money and the company now wanted her to pay back the difference. The officer instructed her to contact Amazon Customer Service and verity the information before proceeding. This may be a new scam that is surfacing. At 1:30 pm staff at Iowa Realty advised someone had used the company’s dumpster without permission. The officer located mail with a name and address on it and spoke to that subject. The officer advised him to end this practice or face criminal charges for theft of services. At 6:32 pm a complainant reported kids smoking tobacco at Washington Park. The officer spoke to the youngsters and a parent about the event. Citations are pending at this time.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: At 12:48 pm a complainant reported an abandoned bicycle at 102 E. Washington St. The officer took the bicycle to the impound lot. At 8:40 pm a complainant reported a violation of a protective over. While at work she started receiving calls and text messages from an unknown number. The officer had her answer the call on speaker phone; she advised it was her estranged boyfriend. He is prohibited from contacting her. The officer requested an arrest warrant for Dylan Lee Petersen, 28, of Lake City for violation of a protective order (simple misdemeanor)*.
Tuesday, Oct. 13: At 4:42 pm a Greene County school bus driver reported a school bus passing violation. The violation occurred at Lincoln Way and Westwood Drive. A vehicle passed the bus after the stop sign was out and overhead lights were activated. A registration plate was provided in the report. The officer is investigating. At 8:59 pm officers were requested at a residence in the 500 block of S. Walnut St for a fight in progress. The officer arrived and spoke to several parties involved in the event. The officer arrested Christopher Herbert Lawrence, 40, of Jefferson for assault while displaying dangerous weapon (aggravated misdemeanor)*.
Monday, Oct. 12: At 11:28 am a complainant reported the theft of prescription medication. She reported the meds were in her purse and she had been at several locations in the past few days and did not know when and where the theft had occurred. At 9:28 pm a complainant reported a male had assaulted her at a residence in the 500 block of N. Grimmell Rd. The officer is investigating the reported event.
Sunday, Oct. 11: At 9:50 pm a complainant reported he had picked up a male who was walking in the 1700 block of N. Elm St and gave him a ride to Head Park. When they arrived at the park, the complainant said the male punched him in the face and fled on foot. The officer was not able to locate anyone in the area and is investigating the reported event.
Saturday, Oct 10: At 1:09 am a caller advised of a dog barking in the 300 block of N. High St. The officer located the animal inside a residence. The animal was barking, but no one was home at the residence. The officer will follow up later with the owner. At 10:54 am an officer investigated a two-vehicle property damage accident at the intersection of W. Harrison and S. Pinet Sts. Meadow Losee of Paton was northbound on Pinet driving a 2016 Hyundai Elantra owned by Street Smarts LLC. She did not yield to Jennifer Schiltz of Jefferson, who was westbound on Harrison St driving a 2005 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck owned by Gary Schiltz. The vehicles collided in the intersection. Losee was cited for failure to yield to the vehicle on the right. Damage to the vehicle she was driving was estimated at $6,000. Damage to Schiltz’s pickup truck was estimated at $5,000. At 11:06 am a complainant reported a flag pole and flag that didn’t belong to him in his yard in the 400 block of W. Lincoln Way. The flag had been reported missing a few days prior. The officer advised the owner he could retrieve the flag at the LEC. At 2:54 pm an officer responded to a fire alarm activation at Greene County Middle School. No fire was present. The alarm was tripped by dust from building construction.
Friday, Oct 9: Coverage was provided by the Greene County sheriff’s office 0600 from 6 am to 6 pm.
Thursday, Oct. 8: Routine activity reported.
Wednesday, Oct. 7: At 8:40 am staff of the FEMA hotline called and advised they were speaking with a suicidal subject on the phone in Jefferson. The officer went to the residence and coaxed the subject to the Greene County Medical Center emergency room for an evaluation. At 6:37 pm a a female caller requested assistance with her adult son, who was having a mental issue. The officer went to the residence and took the male to ER for an evaluation. At 10:28 pm a complainant reported two males had “mugged” him and tool $500 in cash and groceries he had purchased. He provided the officer with names for the two males. The officer is investigating.
Tuesday, Oct. 6: At 6:22 pm a mother reported a group of youngsters cursing at her and her young child as they played at Paul Nally Park in the 500 block of N. Olive St. The officer spoke to the youngsters and their parents about the issue. At 10:11 pm an officer performed a traffic stop at N. Cedar and E. State Sts after a driver made a wide turn at the intersection. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of John Douglas Reed, 37, of Jefferson for operating while intoxicated- second offense (aggravated misdemeanor)*. ***** The officer has completed an investigation that began 10/02 after a vehicle pursuit the ended on Kirkwood Ave. The officer has sent charges to juvenile court for a 16-year old male for possession of marijuana (serious misdemeanor) and eluding with drugs (Class D felony)*. A 17-year-old female was also charged with possession of marijuana*.
Monday, Oct. 5: At 2:06 pm the Dallas County sheriff’s office requested assistance from officers in locating an adult female in Jefferson. The female was entered as a missing person in Dallas County. The officer made contact with the female at a residence in Jefferson and learned she was fine. The information was passed back to Dallas County. At 3:10 pm an officer investigated a hit and run accident in the parking lot at Greene County High School. A 2009 Chevrolet Impala owned by Erika Godwin of Jefferson was struck while parked at the school. Damage was estimated at $1,000. The officer is working to identify the other vehicle involved. At 7:56 pm the Panora PD requested an officer to check Jefferson for an elderly Panora male who could not be located by family members. The officer located the male subject at Wild Rose Casino. Family members came and picked up the subject and took him home.
Sunday, Oct. 4: At 12:26 am a complainant reported a large amount of water entering S. Elm St from Greenewood Rd. There is a flushing device on the hydrant that runs nightly at this location. At 12:34 am a complainant advised of a suspicious vehicle being driven in and out of driveways in the 700 block of S. Chestnut St. The officer determined it was a newspaper delivery person. At 7 am staff at Wild Rose Casino reported an abandoned bicycle there. The officer placed the bike in the impound lot. At 2:58 pm a complainant reported young children swinging a tree branch at each other in the 500 block of N. Olive St and advised someone was going to get hurt. The officer spoke to the youths about the issue. At 5:15 pm a complainant reported her daughter set her cell phone down at the playground at Paul Nally Park in the 500 block of N. Olive St. She advised she went to grab it when she was ready to leave and it was gone. Numerous children were also playing at the playground. The phone was valued at $280. At 8:32 pm an officer performed a traffic stop with the driver of a vehicle with a dark rear plate in the 700 block of Highway 30. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Shari Ann Allen, 62, of Grand Junction for operating while intoxicated (serious misdemeanor)*. Allen was also cited for improper registration lamp, fail to possess a valid driver’s license, open container – driver, and fail to give notice of address change. During the stop, a male passenger in the vehicle admitted to the theft of numerous lighters from Sparky’s One Stop in Jefferson. The officer arrested David Michael Rourke, 41, of Grand Junction for theft- fifth degree*.
Saturday, Oct. 3: At 7 am an officer was requested to investigate a deer- car accident at 230th St and T Ave east of Jefferson. Greene County sheriff’s deputy Cale Crowder struck a deer while driving a 2017 Chevrolet Tahoe, owned by the Greene County sheriff’s office. The vehicle sustained a reported $800 in front end damage. At 9:44 am an officer was advised of trash left after a party at Paul Nally Park in the 500 block of N. Olive St. The officer is working to review video from the playground and attempt to develop suspects in the matter. At 11:52 pm a complainant at the LEC reported being assaulted by her boyfriend at a residence in the 200 block of N. Oak St. The officer is investigating.
Friday, Oct. 2: At 12:24 pm a complainant reported numerous items missing from her residence in the 500 block of S. Olive St. The items started disappearing last April. The list includes jewelry, electronics, and coins. The replacement value of the items is $3,000. The officer is investigating. At 10:22 pm an officer attempted a traffic stop with a driver of a vehicle with a headlight out at Highway 30 and Grimmell Rd. The driver refused to yield and a chase ensued. The driver headed west on Wall St from Grimmell Rd and then north on Kirkwood Ave. The driver pulled into a farm site and two subjects fled from the vehicle on foot. The officer was able to catch a juvenile female, but the driver went into a cornfield. The sheriff’s office responded to assist with the search. The drone was sent up, but the subject was not located. The identity of the juvenile male driver is known, and juvenile charges are pending at this time.
Thursday, Oct. 1: At 10:41 an staff at A & W Family Restaurant reported someone had placed a large amount of medical waste in a trash can outside the restaurant. The officer removed the items and properly disposed of them. At 1:15 pm a traffic stop on S. Elm St at 250th St resulted in two arrests. The female driver and a male passenger were asked for identification. The male advised he did not have any identification with him and provided a name and date of birth to the officer. The officer determined the male had given him a false name. The was an active order of protection in place with the male being the protected party. Patrick Scott Beardsley, 40, of Guthrie Center was arrested and charged with violation of protective order and interference with official acts*, both simple misdemeanors. Alicia Marie Beardsley, 27, of Guthrie Center was charged with violation of a protective order*. She was also cited for failure to maintain control. At 8:16 pm a complainant requested an officer at a residence in the 600 block of S. Cedar St for a domestic assault. The officer’s investigation resulted in requesting an arrest warrant for Floyd William Laxson, 60, of Jefferson for domestic abuse assault (simple misdemeanor)*.
*Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.