Home State Bank and Wild Rose Casino and Resort partnered to bring Meals from the Heartland to Jefferson Oct. 19 for Jefferson’s very first Mobile Hunger Fight.
This past Monday, 79 local community members including Home State Bank and Wild Rose Casino staff, representatives from various community organizations, several Greene County High School students and county 4-H members and other together packaged 30,024 meals in just less than two hours. This was a big success as the goal was to complete 30,000 meals in the two-hour window.
Through volunteer workers and financial giving, Meals from the Heartland is able to save starving children all around the world. The organization is made up of volunteers from businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across the United States and around the world.

One in seven children struggles with hunger and through this Mobile Hunger Fight, 200 meals will stay in Greene County as they were taken to the Greene County Christian ARC. The remaining meals will stay in the state of Iowa.
Wild Rose Casino and Resort provided use of the Greene Room,which allowed participants to be spaced out due to the room size. Additional safety measures were taken to ensure a safe event for all. Attendees had to pass a temperature check, wear a face mask, gloves and a hairnet while packaging the meals.
Home State Bank president Sid Jones said, “We are already discussing how we can do this again next year and maybe a little bigger and better.”