Extension adding workshops on rethinking retirement during Covid-19

A person’s thoughts on retirement may be among the many things in flux due to COVID-19. Some employers are offering early retirement incentives. Many Iowans are considering early retirement due to job challenges, health concerns, or other reasons. On top of that, temporary policy changes have made it easier for people to withdraw from their retirement accounts during 2020. There are questions for many older Iowans as they sort through their options.

New dates have been announced for a popular new 45-minute on-line workshop “Rethinking Your Retirement During COVID-19” from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, which is designed to equip Iowans to make informed retirement decisions during this turbulent time.  

The free workshop sessions include both noon and 5 pm time slots. Noon sessions will be held:  Nov 6, Nov 11, and Dec 9. Sessions at 5 pm will be offered Nov 12, Nov 16, and Dec 9.   Pre-registration is required. Visit https://www.extension.iastate.edu/humansciences/retirement to find the registration link for the workshops.

Persons who want more information can contact Kalyn Cody (kcody@iastate.edu) or the Greene County Extension Office at 515-386-2138.

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