The Greene Co. 4-H Foundation has launched a $10,000 fundraising effort to replace dollars raised at its annual food stand at the county fair, which was cancelled due to COVID-19.
“What better way to celebrate the National 4-H Week, Oct. 4-10, than to announce we are nearly halfway to our $10,000 goal to replace the Clover Café fundraiser due to the generous donation of Dr. Steve and Julie Karber, the county’s commodity groups, and ShineOn Designs,” said Loel Larson, president of the Greene County 4-H Foundation.
Larson added the Karbers’ $2,500 donation is special as Steve is a former Greene County 4-H member, current superintendent and both Julie, and Steve’s mother, managed the Clover Café for many years in Greene County. “We are very thankful to the Karber family for their continued commitment to the youth of Greene County,” said Larson.
The Greene County 4-H Foundation also received donations from the county’s livestock commodity groups.
- Greene County Cattlemen: $595
- Greene County Lamb Producers: $420
- Greene County Swine Producers: $400
“Our county’s livestock producers have had a tough year themselves due to COVID-19 and its supply chain impacts. Their commitment to our Greene County 4-H youth is greatly appreciated,” said Larson.

The Greene County 4-H Foundation also received a check for $1,040 from ShineOn Designs/More Time’s T-shirt sales. “It was great to see T-shirts around town this summer supporting our kids; what a great fundraising idea by ShineOn. We appreciate their great work,” said Larson.
The 4-H Foundation board noted it is now nearly halfway to its $10,000 goal to support 4-H youth educational programs for Greene County youth aged first grade through high school including workshops, camps, virtual learning opportunities, and club activities.
Persons who would like to donate to the Greene County 4-H Foundation can send checks to the ISU Extension and Outreach office at 104 W. Washington St in Jefferson.