Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department:

Wednesday, Sept. 30: At 3:43 pm an officer investigated a property damage accident in the parking lot at Greene County High School. Brianna Blasnitz of Jefferson was eastbound driving a 2017 Ford Fiesta owned by Charlotte Blasnitz. Esther Van Horn of Glidden was following Blasnitz, driving a 2011 Nissan Maxima owned by John Van Horn. Brianna Blasnitz stopped and Van Horn’s vehicle tapped the rear end of Blasnitz’s vehicle. Damage to each vehicle was estimated at $50.
Tuesday, Sept. 29: At 7:44 pm an officer and deputy arrested Dalton Lee Weber, 22, of Jefferson on outstanding Jefferson PD warrants for assault and supplying alcohol to underage persons, both simple misdemeanors*. The charges stem from an incident on 9/23.
Monday, Sept. 28: At 9:54 am a complainant reported cattle in the roadway near S. Grimmell Rd and Russell St. The owner was contacted and put the cattle back in the pasture. At 10:26 am staff at Peoples Bank reported criminal mischief there. Halloween decorations and a pumpkin had been removed from a planter At 1:52 pm a complainant reported the theft of a flag and flagpole from a residence in the 300 block of W. State St. The flag had been removed from the porch of the residence. At 2:52 pm a complainant reported a suspicious male in a vehicle following her near W. Russell and S. Walnut Sts. She provided a registration plate number. The officer made contact with the male a short time later. He advised he was driving through the park areas trying to find a place to walk his dog. He apologized for making anyone uncomfortable while doing so. At 3:45 pm an officer began an investigation into a possible no contact order violation, per the county attorney. At 5:35 pm staff at Casey’s General Store reported the theft of alcohol. A male subject entered the business to pay for his fuel and left. A customer advised the male had stolen a bottle of whiskey from the shelf. The officer is working with the business to view footage from the cameras. The investigation continues. ***** Charges have been added recently against Justin Michael Cosnotti, 35, of Jefferson. Arrest warrants have been gathered for dominion/control of firearm by party of protective order (Class D felony), harassment- first degree (aggravated misdemeanor), tampering with a witness (aggravated misdemeanor), and violation of a protective order (23 counts), interference with official acts, and possession of drug paraphernalia (simple misdemeanors)*. The charges stem from an investigation into Cosnotti violating a protective order numerous times. The order is in place to protect an assault victim.
Sunday, Sept. 27: At 1:15 am an officer performed a traffic stop with a speeding driver in the 400 block of E. Monroe St. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Jonathan David Law, 36, of Churdan for operating while intoxicated (serious misdemeanor)*. He was also cited for failure to give notice of address change, failure to carry registration card, failure to provide proof of financial liability and excessive speed. At 11:49 am a complainant reported a burglary at a residence in the 1200 block of Rushridge Rd. Forced entry to a safe was located at the residence. A second safe also had items missing from it but was not damaged. The complainant is gathering a total of the missing cash and jewelry from the safes. The officer is investigating. ***** An officer has requested arrest warrants for Dalton Lee Weber, 22, of Jefferson for an assault at a residence in the 200 block of N. Elm St at 1:38 am on 9/23. The officer has requested arrest warrants for two counts of assault (simple misdemeanor), and two counts of supplying alcohol to underage persons (simple misdemeanor)*.
Saturday, Sept 26: At 12:23 am a complainant reported a large amount of water running off of Greenewood Road and down the hill on S. Elm St. The officer knew that a hydrant flushes daily at this location but verified that was indeed the issue.
Friday, Sept. 25: Routine activity reported.
Thursday, Sept. 24: At 7:54 am officers and sheriff’s deputies surrounded the residence at 705 W. Sunset Rd after receiving information that a wanted male was at the residence. The residence was searched but the male was not located. At 1:53 pm based on information provided to officers, the residence at 504 S. Olive St was searched for the wanted male from earlier in the day. He was not located at the residence. At 1:56 pm staff at HyVee reported finding a small baggy of possible narcotics at the store. The officer took possession of the suspected methamphetamine for destruction. At 9:04 pm an officer noticed the strong odor of burning marijuana near W. Harrison and S. Oak Sts. The officer searched the area by foot but did not locate the source of the odor. At 9:13 pm an officer and a deputy went to 206 N. Oak St to look for a male for whom there were outstanding arrest warrants. The male bolted from a rear door and fled on foot. The officers searched but did not locate the male. At 10:33 pm a complainant returned home to his residence in the 700 block of W. Adams St and found a male in his fenced backyard. The male jumped over the fence and fled from the area. The officer did not locate anyone in the area.
Wednesday, Sept. 23: At 1:38 am officers were called to a residence in the 200 block of N. Maple St for a domestic argument occurring there. The officer arrived and spoke with a small group of subjects at the residence. The officer’s investigation led to the arrests of Nicholas Scott Weber, 20, of Jefferson and Ashlynn Rose Cook, 18, of Jefferson for possession of alcohol under legal age (simple misdemeanor)*. At 2:30 pm Jefferson officers, Greene County deputies and Iowa State Patrol surrounded the residence at 705 W. Sunset Rd after receiving information that a wanted male was there. The homeowner advised the wanted subject was there and in the basement. Officers tried to coax the male out of the basement, but eventually sent a K-9 dog into the basement to search. The subject was not located in the residence. A short time later, officers were advised the male was in the east tree line at the yard waste site in Daubendiek Park. The drone was launched while officers walked through the heavily wooded area. The male suspect was not located. At 5:59 pm officers again received information that the wanted male was back at 705 W. Sunset Rd. Officers, deputies and State Patrol searched the residence and learned the male had left prior to their arrival. ***** An officer has requested an arrest warrant after completing an Investigation that began on 07/21 at Regency Park Nursing and Rehab. The requested arrest warrant is for Peggy Sue Fulton, 58, of Ames on a charge of wanton neglect of health care facility resident (aggravated misdemeanor)*. The report alleged Fulton had slapped a female resident at the facility after being struck by the patient. ***** An officer has issued a citation for Paula Revee Upton of Jefferson for allowing unauthorized person to drive.* The officer issued the citation after Upton’s adult son ran from an officer during a traffic stop on 09/22. The male does not have a valid driver’s license and was driving Upton’s vehicle.
Tuesday, Sept. 22: At 4:40 pm during at Highway 30 and N. Elm St, an officer arrested Nicole Terese Borkowski, 35, of Jefferson on an outstanding Greene County arrest warrant for child endangerment (aggravated misdemeanor)*. At 11:30 pm an officer attempted to perform a traffic stop on a vehicle in the 700 block of W. Sunset Rd. The officer knew of outstanding JPD arrest warrants for the male driver. The driver pulled into a private drive and fled on foot from the officer. Several Greene County deputies and Jefferson officers searched for the male in the heavily wooded area along the Raccoon River. A drone was deployed with infrared to locate the male. Carroll County deputies also responded with a second drone. The subject was not located.
Monday, Sept. 21: At 10:47 am a complainant reported an abandoned bicycle in the 400 block of N. Chestnut St. The officer placed the bike in the impound lot. At 11:02 am a complainant reported a sick raccoon in a yard in the 400 block of N. Maple St. The raccoon did not appear to be sick and the officer took no action. At 5:07 pm an officer responded to a fire alarm activation at The Gardens assisted living facility. After a walk through the building, no fire was located. At 6:54 pm a father reported his juvenile daughter was assaulted in the 700 block of W. State St on 9/17 while throwing toilet paper in the area. The officer is investigating the reported event.
Sunday, Sept. 20: At 2:51 pm a complainant reported catching a stray dog in his fenced yard in the 600 block of S. Locust St. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility. At 5:36 pm staff at Dollar General reported a stray dog at the business. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility. At 6:16 pm staff at HyVee reported a stray dog in the store parking lot. The officer located the animal and the owner and learned the dog had jumped out of the bed of a pickup truck while the owner was shopping. The owner was given a verbal warning. At 6:55 pm a complainant reported he and his elderly mother had been assaulted at their residence in the 300 block of W. Washington St. The officer arrived and learned a former roommate had arrived to pick up his property. This led to an argument between the complainant and the male. The male assaulted the complainant and knocked him to the ground. The subject straddled the complainant and continued to strike him in the face, causing severe injuries. The subject had also pushed an elderly female to the ground before leaving the residence. The officer and deputy searched for the male but did not locate him. The officer has requested arrest warrants for Nathaniel Clark Aldrich, 32, of Jefferson for willful injury (Class C felony), domestic abuse assault causing serious injury (serious misdemeanor), and domestic abuse assault (simple misdemeanor)*. At 7:16 pm a complainant reported witnessing a young male pull a newly-planted tree from the ground at the Jefferson municipal swimming pool. The male took the tree into the park after pulling it from the ground near the off-street parking. It was reported the juvenile had gone to a residence in the 400 block of W. Russell St afterward. The officer made contact with the male juvenile at the address and called and spoke to his parent by phone. Juvenile charges and restitution are pending at this time.
Saturday, Sept. 19: At 3:13 am a complainant reported a strange red light in a yard in the 400 block of E. Washington St. The officer located the source of the red light as a Halloween decoration and reported his findings back to the complainant. At 1:06 pm an officer took a report of harassment. The officer is investigating the report. At 1:49 pm staff at Fareway reported a shoplifting event at the store. A male subject had taken a product from its packaging and placed it in his pocket. He paid for other items and left the business. The officer is investigating. At 5 pm a Greene County Schools bus driver gave an officer a school bus passing violation form. The reported violation had occurred at about 3:53 pm at S. West St and W. Lincoln Way. The officer is investigating. At 5:26 pm a caller advised they had caught a dog with a leash in the 100 block of W. Vest St. The officer placed the small dog in the animal holding facility. At 5:55 pm an officer was was advised of female at Wild Rose Casino for whom there was an outstanding Story County arrest warrant. The officer made contact with the female and waited for confirmation on the warrant. Story County refused to accept the female for the outstanding warrant. The officer took no action and advised her to turn herself in in Story County.
Friday, Sept. 18: At 1:15 am an officer was requested at the Super 8 Motel for a reported domestic argument occurring there. The officer arrived and spoke to a female and learned she had been involved in a verbal argument with a male, who had left the area before the officer arrived. A special needs infant was also present in the room with the female. The officer had some concerns of well being for the infant and contacted DHS with the issues. At 2 pm officers assisted the Department of Human Services with executing a child removal order. A 5-month-old child was temporarily removed from its mother’s care and placed in foster care. At 3:53 pm a complainant reported kids riding a go kart and dirt bikes on the street in the 700 block of Rushview Drive. The officer spoke to the kids and parents about not riding on the streets.
Thursday, Sept. 17: At 9:51 am an officer began a sex assault investigation after receiving a call from family members of the reported victim. At 4:26 pm an officer spotted a driver he knew had a suspended license on Highway 30 near M Ave. The officer attempted to perform a traffic stop but the driver refused to yield and continued eastbound. When the driver approached the intersection of Highway 30 and M Ave, the officer witnessed a backpack being through from the vehicle into the south ditch. The driver continued eastbound and turned south onto N. Grimmell Rd before stopping. Officers and deputies arrived a short time later to assist. The backpack was located in the ditch and seized. The strong pungent odor of marijuana was coming from the backpack. Officers conducted a probable cause search of the bag and located several containers containing marijuana and weighing scales. The officer’s investigation led to two arrests at the traffic stop. Dalton Lee Weber, 22, of Jefferson was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to deliver (class D felony), and failure to affix a drug tax stamp (class D felony)*. Nicholas Scott Weber, 20, of Jefferson was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to deliver, failure to affix drug tax stamp, and obstructing prosecution (aggravated misdemeanor*. Both subjects face enhanced penalties due to the fact the crime occurred within 1000 feet of the Greene County High School. At 7:36 pm a complainant reported a 2-year-old child by herself at Paul Nally Park in the 500 block of N. Olive St. The mother of the child arrived shortly after the officer. She advised she ran upstairs to complete a chore and the child slipped out of the residence and went to the playground. At 8:24 pm a complainant reported a suspicious male going door-to-door at Walden Woods Apartments. She advised he claimed to be a US Census worker. The officer could not locate the subject, but other residents advised the subject had been at their apartment in prior days. The officer believes the subject is a legitimate Census worker.
Wednesday, Sept. 16: At 4:20 am Carroll County requested assistance from Jefferson officers and the Greene County sheriff’s office with a high speed chase that began in Carroll. Carroll County sheriff’s deputies and the Carroll PD were chasing a vehicle on Highway 30 and had entered the western edge of Greene County. The vehicle was reported to be reaching speeds of 120 mph. Two JPD officers set up at Highway 30 and M Ave as the driver continued to evade Carroll law enforcement and continued eastbound on Highway 30. The Jefferson officers prepared to deploy stop sticks at their location. As the vehicle passed their location, an officer deployed the stop sticks successfully. Three tires were deflated on the fleeing vehicle. The driver continued eastbound as the tires deflated and eventually began to shred. The vehicle came to a stop on Highway 30 near Flack Ave. The female driver was taken into custody; Carroll officers charged her with operating while intoxicated and evading. At 11:26 am a complainant captured a stray cat in the 900 block of W. Lincoln Way. The officer placed the cat in the animal holding facility. At 1:33 pm an officer was requested by a deputy to assist with traffic control on Highway 30 near M Ave after a semi tractor-trailer became disabled on the roadway. At 8:50 pm a deputy advised an officer of a large brush fire at a residence in the 900 block of N. Maple St. The officer located the yard waste fire, which was being attended by the resident. No city ordinances had been violated. At 10:53 pm a complainant reported teens throwing toilet paper “at the late hour.” The officer was unable to respond immediately; he did not locate anyone in the area when he arrived.
Monday, Sept. 14: At 11:11 am a complainant reported a burglary had occurred at a residence in the 1200 block of Westwood Drive while the resident was incarcerated. She was last at the apartment on 09/11 and all was fine. Several items of clothing and two bikes were missing. The officer is investigating the report. At 8:17 pm a complainant reported a group of teens driving erratically in the 1200 block of Rush Ridge Rd while throwing toilet paper. The officer was delayed in his response and found no one in the area when he arrived. At 8:18 pm a caller advised that as she and her friends were throwing toilet paper in the 1200 block of Lincoln Court, an elderly male drove up and began to yell at them. The male was reported to be swinging a stick at them as he yelled. A witness advised the officer of the identity of the male with the stick. The officer spoke to the subject and advised him that he can not chase down kids and act like this, especially since they were not doing anything to his property. At 9:32 pm a complainant demanded officers in the 100 block of Briarwood for a group of teens throwing toilet paper. The officer again explained to him that they are nowhere near, or on his property. The officer attempted to explain the residents on whose property the toilet paper is being thrown are not complaining about the tradition. At 10:16 pm a caller requested an officer back at Rush Ridge Rd as toilet paper was being thrown at houses again. The officer went to the area and did not locate anyone.
Sunday, Sept. 13: At 1:56 pm a complainant advised of a sick raccoon at in the 800 block of W. Madison St. The officer dispatched the sick raccoon. At 3:22 pm a complainant reported a car alarm sounding in the 200 block of S. Chestnut St. The officer located a vehicle parked in a garage with the alarm sounding. No one was home at the residence, so the officer entered the garage to make sure no one needed assistance. No one was located in the garage. The officer shut off the car alarm. At 7:30 pm a complainant reported her daughter had located a short video on a social media chat group in which a subject shows a gun and advises he is going to kill someone. The officer viewed the video and determined the gun was a BB gun. He advised the complainant her daughter should delete the group and stay off of the site in the future. At 11:03 pm an officer performed a traffic stop in the 200 block of S. Elm St with a vehicle that had dark windows. During the stop the officer smelled the strong odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle. During a probable cause search of the vehicle the officer located numerous narcotic related items and a small amount of suspected marijuana. The items were seized for testing. Levi Cummings of Jefferson was cited for dark windows and curfew violation. Charges are pending lab results on the seized items.
Saturday, Sept. 12: At 3:05 pm staff at Fareway reported the theft of money by an employee. When management showed the employee the video of the event, she confessed to taking $40 from the cash register and keeping the money. The officer is sending a charge to juvenile court for theft- fifth degree (simple misdemeanor) for the 16-year-old female. At 7:36 pm a complainant reported a suspicious backpack lying near the alley in the 100 block of N. Chestnut St. The officer arrived and located a male grabbing the backpack. The male advised he laid it there while he went shopping at Dollar General. He consented to the officer checking inside the backpack. Nothing illegal was located and he was allowed on his way. At 8:04 pm an officer performed a traffic stop with a vehicle with a defective brake light near Gallup Road and N. Elm St. During the stop the officer noticed the wrong registration sticker was on the vehicle license plate. Troy Shaffe Habhab, 55, of Dakota City was cited for fraudulent use of registration and driving while suspended. Habhab had an outstanding Texas arrest warrant for failure to appear on a felony theft charge there. The officer arrested Habhab for the outstanding arrest warrant.
Friday, Sept. 11: At 7:34 am a complainant reported the theft of tools from his vehicle while parked in the 2000 block of N. Mulberry St. A cell phone was also missing. The officer is investigating. At 3:47 pm an officer investigated a two-vehicle property damage accident at the intersection of S. Elm and W. South Sts. Claudette Sherlock of Jefferson was northbound on Elm St driving her 2014 Chevrolet CTV. She slowed to allow a vehicle in front of her to turn left onto S. St. Darrell Meinecke of Jamaica was following Sherlock. He was unable to stop his 2006 Toyota SRV in time and struck the rear of Sherlock’s vehicle. Meinecke was cited for following too closely. Damage to his vehicle was estimated at $1,000. Damage to Sherlock’s vehicle was estimated at $4,000. At 11:26 pm an officer performed a traffic stop in the 500 block of S. Walnut St. During the stop the officer was given consent to search the vehicle by the driver. The officer located a marijuana cigarette in the vehicle and seized it for testing. Justin Michael Cosnotti of Jefferson was cited for failure to have a valid driver’s license. Charges are pending lab results on the seized item.
Thursday, Sept. 10: At 10:45 am a complainant reported criminal mischief to a political campaign flag that had occurred in the Hy-Vee parking lot on 9/01. A subject had removed the flag from the bed of the complainant’s pickup truck and threw it on the travelled portion of the parking lot. The flag and pole were damaged and valued at $85 to replace. The business is providing video footage of the event. A suspect is being developed through the vehicle registration plate in the video. The officer is investigating; future charges are expected. At 8:57 pm an officer removed a bat from a residence in the 300 block of E. State St. *****An officer has requested two arrest warrants for Jessica Lea Duong, 28, of Jefferson on charges of assault on persons in certain occupations causing bodily injury (aggravated misdemeanor) and assault on persons in certain occupations (serious misdemeanor)*. The warrants are in connection with events on 9/06 at the Greene County Medical Center emergency room.
Wednesday, Sept. 9: At 2:27 am an officer responded to an alarm activation at Medicap Pharmacy. The officer arrived and found the drive-thru window was broken out. The investigation and video showed a male subject entered through the broken window and stole prescription medications. The subject was in the business for a short period. The business is working to provide the officer with the exact amount of medications and dollar amounts to replace it and repairs to the window. The officer has some leads he is following up on and the investigation continues. At 8:27 am a Greene County Schools bus driver completed a school bus violation form. The driver advised a driver passed the bus while the lights and stop sign were activated in the 300 block of N. Oak St. The driver provided a vehicle and driver description, along with the registration plate number. The officer’s investigation led to a citation being issued to Tanner Hagar of Jefferson for unlawful passing of school bus. At 12:24 pm a complainant reported receiving a Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes phone scam call. The complainant did not give out any information or incur a monetary loss. At 12:27 pm a complainant reported her mother received the “grandchild was arrested” scam call. The caller attempts to convince a subject their grandchild was arrested and needs money sent to bail them out of jail. No loss was incurred in this instance. At 6:10 pm a complainant reported feral cats attempting to kill the hummingbirds he feed in the 200 block of N. Pinet St. The officer advised he could trap the animal as a citizen, but the department is still developing policy on this and can not assist at this time.
Tuesday, Sept. 8: At 12:44 am an officer was requested at the Greene County Medical Center ER to help with a combative patient. At 3:33 pm Glen Childs reported his stepdaughter’s 2017 Ford Fiesta SE had been struck and damaged in the Greene County High School parking lot. The vehicle had rear end damage caused by an unknown driver of an unknown vehicle. The officer is working with the school to look at surveillance video to identify the other driver involved. At 9:52 pm a complainant reported a young male walking in the 100 block of S. Chestnut St wearing only underwear and socks. The officer checked that area of town but did not locate the reported subject. At 10:30 pm a grandmother requested a welfare check on her juvenile granddaughter. She advised the girl was possibly suicidal. The officer went to the address and spoke to the father and the juvenile. The officer coaxed the juvenile to ER to be evaluated by a medical doctor.
Monday, Sept. 7: At 7:57 pm a caller reported a suspicious male walking in the area of the 300 block of N. Grimmell Rd. The officer located the male subject who advised he was homeless. The officer contacted local clergy and a room was set up at a motel. ***** Officers issued five parking violation notices around the downtown square for street sweeping violations.
Sunday, Sept. 6: At 7:57 am a resident reported catching a stray dog in the 600 block of S. Olive St. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility. At 1:40 pm a complainant reported unknown subjects keep dumping trash in his personal dumpster at 308 W. McKinley St. The officer attempted to locate items in the trash to reveal the unknown suspect’s identity but located nothing useful. The complainant advised he may place cameras on the dumpster in the future. At 1:53 pm staff at Greene County Medical Center requested an officer at the emergency room to assist with a combative patient. The officers assisted ER staff with the patient. The officer made three trips to ER for this patient. At 9:50 pm a complainant reported a male standing outside the A & W restaurant with a rifle. The officer arrived and spoke to a small group of subjects and was shown an airsoft rifle that had been placed in a vehicle. Nothing illegal had occurred.
Saturday, Sept. 5: At 6:48 pm staff at Wild Rose Casino requested an officer for a customer attempting to pass a fake $100 bill. The officer arrived and learned the bill was labeled as “prop money” and was not real currency. The officer spoke to the female who admitted to attempting to cash in the bill for smaller denominations. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Jill Elizabeth Zito, 60, of Jefferson for forgery (Class D felony)*.
Friday, Sept. 4: At 12:15 am a resident reported a fire hydrant gushing water at the Jefferson Municipal Airport. The officer checked on the hydrant, which was functioning properly. The hydrant bleeds off water daily to keep fresh water at the end of the line. At 4:26 pm an officer was called to a residence in the 800 block of W. Lincoln Way for a reported domestic abuse assault. The officer spoke to both parties involved. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Jacob Kenneth Hartman, 32, of Jefferson for domestic abuse assault (simple misdemeanor)*. At 10 pm an officer removed a bat from a residence in the 600 block of W. Monroe St.
Thursday, Sept. 3: At 11:10 am a complainant reported the theft of a 2020 Kawasaki Ninja 400 motorcycle from a residence in the 700 block of W. Sunset Rd. The complainant provided the officer with information on a female he said took the motorcycle. The officer entered the bike into the NCIC System as a stolen motor vehicle and is investigating.
Wednesday, Sept. 2: At 4:28 pm an officer removed a bat from a residence in the 600 block of S. Locust St. At 8:21 pm a complainant reported she purchased a piece of furniture at a garage sale and had located ammunition inside the piece. The officer took possession of the ammo for destruction.
Tuesday, Sept. 1: At 4:28 am a complainant reported suspicious subjects near the construction equipment at the new high school. The officer located several employees present watering new plants there. At 7:05 on a deputy requested assistance from a Jefferson officer in locating the registered owner of an abandoned vehicle in Churdan. The officer was able to locate the owner and have him contact the deputy. At 8:31 pm staff at Dollar General requested an officer at the store. The clerk had located a baggy of a white crystalline substance on the floor near the checkout counter. The officer seized the item as it was consistent with methamphetamine. Store management will attempt to locate who dropped but item by watching video surveillance of the store. The investigation continues.
*Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.