Sept. 14, 2020
Rippey UMC
Rippey Methodist Church had its first outdoor worship Sunday, Sept. 13. We really had a good group. Pastor Cat did one service online and then did ours at the old skating rink! It was nice to have a sunny day and be together. I think we drift apart when we don’t see each other at least on Sunday. Hopefully it will stay nice enough to meet outside for a while and then maybe, we can be inside again. It is hard to keep up with finances when we don’t meet regularly. We were reminded to take offerings to Peoples Bank. The church still has bills that have to be paid. Since we can’t have dinners to raise money, the finances are tight.
Some of us try to keep in touch with friends on the phone during the month. It is a good way to remember our church family, especially those in facilities with restricted visitation! ~Phyllis Bardole, reporting
Bardole family gathering, from a grateful grandma!
Jason, Allison, Levi, Kate, and Chase Bardole came over the Labor Day weekend to visit the Roy Bardoles. They arrived Saturday afternoon. We had all the family at one point in time over Saturday and Sunday. It was very hot, but we cooled the garage and put up a picnic table there, while some were outside or inside. We tried to social distance!
The kids enjoyed a motorcycle, two electric motorcycles, and a go-cart! I would venture a guess that they traveled the course enough to be back in Wisconsin! We had sandwiches Saturday night. Yvette brought sloppy Joes Sunday noon, and we ordered pizza Sunday night. It was fun to have everyone together.
Those attending were Pete, Yvette, Arthur, Avery, and Aden from Jefferson; Cassandra Bardole and Gabe Bardole from Jefferson; Tim and Lori Bardole from Rippey; Schyler, Lauren, Adam, and Luke from Churdan, and of course Roy and Phyllis from Rippey.
I didn’t like the heat, but it would have been worse to have rainy cool weather! We couldn’t have spread out enough in our house and the kids wouldn’t have been able to ride. Arthur was home from Iowa State and was good about wearing a mask. There are several at Iowa State who have Covid! He went home part of the time to do class work!
Jason and Allison and family left Monday morning. Jason started a new job with Milwaukee Tools on Tuesday morning. Levi, Kate, and Chase started school on Tuesday also. They will be going to school Monday and Tuesday, and learning from home the next three days.
Avery started school as a senior Aug. 31 at Greene County. The elementary started on Tuesday, but we had no one in that age. Cassie and Aden started middle school Thursday. It is hard starting with parts of the schools not finished. I’m sure the rain this week played into that problem also.
Lauren has been teaching in Churdan for a few weeks. Yvette hasn’t had any kids yet, but she has been working! The teachers have all been working before school actually started. I’m hoping they are staying safe and that no one gets sick! ~by Phyllis Bardole