B. Banister asks Trump supporters for explanation

To the editor,

I have to admit: Donald Trump is not stupid. He fully realizes that his followers don’t care that he is a proven liar. He knows that it doesn’t matter to them if he has been accused of rape and sexual assault dozens of times. When he cozies up to Vladimir Putin or claims the Russians haven’t meddled in our elections his fans seem to be ok with that.

Why aren’t decent Republicans (I am confident there are many) speaking out against his racism, his subversion of the justice department, his paying off a porn star, his greed and nepotism, etc. etc.?

I would like to see an outpouring of letters from people explaining to me why they think this man is fit for any office other than dog catcher. No, I take that back, why he is fit for any office, period.

The coming election is not about Trump, it is a referendum on the character of the American people.

Bruce Banister, Jefferson

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