In support of J.D. Scholten

To the editor,

In an article written by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, it stated that the 2017 tax law left low and moderate Americans financially behind. “The law will cost approximately $1.5 trillion over the next decade and deliver windfall gains to wealthy households and profitable corporations.”

J.D. Scholten hopes to go to Washington to increase wages, strengthen revenues and stop large corporations from avoiding paying taxes.

Today, many of the largest corporations in America pay no taxes. Some of these include Netflix, Amazon, Delta Airlines, Goodyear and U.S. Steel to name a few. They employ a variety of tax breaks allowing them to have hundreds of millions in tax-write offs. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is expected to be the first trillionaire as early as 2026.

Now where could those lost tax dollars be spent? Maybe improving infrastructure, investing in education or providing health care for all.

J.D. Scholten has plans on how to improve the quality of life for all of us. His motto is “Fix, Fight and Secure.”

J.D. plans to work with other representatives to fix the health care system which is bankrupting Americans and slowing down hiring for businesses who cannot afford the cost of health insurance for their employees.

He wants to fight for an economy that works for everyone.

Lastly, he hopes to secure our nation’s anti-trust laws which keep large corporations from not paying their fair share of taxes that would help pay for programs and services for all Americans.

J.D. Scholten will work hard for you and not be influenced by special interests as shown by his refusal to take any corporate tax money for his campaign. Please support J.D. to represent the 4th district in Congress and let him “Stand Tall for All!”    

Sue Richardson, Jefferson

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