In the neighborhood

August 24, 2020

A big thank you to the power company employees who devoted long hours to reattaching electrical wires and replacing damaged poles; also to Jeff the electrician who reattached the wires to our home on Thursday after the storm. 

Before our power was restored, our evening entertainment was watching the power company employees scale the poles and do their work with powerful spotlights. We watched from the comfort of our lawn chairs with our family who were visiting. 

Another interesting activity was observing a talented semi-truck driver maneuver with 30+ feet long utility poles as he backed north on U Avenue. We appreciated help from Matthew Hanaman, Sarah Pearson, Andrea and Elizabeth, Steven Pearson and Ashley Sucher and Dick and Jo Bardole.   ~Nancy Hanaman


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Hours: Mon-Fri 2 to 5 pm

~by Phyllis Bardole, librarian

We have been open for a month and a half and things are going along good. I’m still getting new books. I think that will slow down for a while, but two I ordered won’t be available until September and one in October.

The Greene County Reads will be coming up Sept. 17. Jan Scharingson will lead the discussion on Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women. The first session will be at 9 am at the Paton public library. The second session will be at 2 pm at the Grand Junction public library. The third session is in Jefferson at 7 pm at the Jefferson Community Golf Course clubhouse.  

I have one other Little Women book that can be checked out. I also have two related books and a DVD that can be checked out. Attend one discussion session of your choosing. They will be about an hour and a half in length. Light refreshments will be served. When you participate in any of the discussions, you may enter the drawing for a chance to win a copy of the book. 

In person seating may be limited at each location due to Covid 19 guidelines. If you prefer to participate online, please give your email address to your library when you register and the Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the discussion date. You must have Zoom software on your device to access the link.

I have been working on my annual Greene County report.  I must say this has been a very different year!  We didn’t get to do as many events as we usually do. Of course, the patrons weren’t allowed in the library from the middle of March until July.  

We didn’t get to do the Teen movie or Toddler Fest. The Greene County Library Association and the Greene County supervisors made other things available to kids during the summer. The last thing was the Bubble Parade and that was fun. People have been coming in now for books and the computers. It still doesn’t seem normal.

School will be starting soon, and we hope it goes well for the students and the teachers.

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