JPRD offers soccer, flag football for young players

The registration deadline for the Jefferson park and recreation department’s U8 soccer program is Aug. 19 at 9 pm. The program is for youngsters with birthdates in 2013 or 2014.

Practices will be held at Kelso Park, with games there or in Ogden Saturdays, Sept. 12-Oct. 17.

The player fee is $35 for members of the Greene County Community Center and $40 for non-members. Jerseys are an additional $15 for youth sizes and $17 for adult sizes. Shin guards are mandatory; shoes may not have the front toe cleat.

The registration deadline for U6 soccer is Sept. 4. Practices and games will be held at Kelso Park Mondays, Sept. 7 through Oct. 5, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The player fee is $20 for community center members and $25 for non-members.

JPRD will offer flag football for boys and girls in grades 1-3. Practices and games will be held at Kelso Park Thursdays, Sept. 3-24, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. The registration fee – $20 for community center members and $25 for non-members – includes a T-shirt.

The registration deadline for flag football is Friday, Aug. 21.

Persons who want more information can call the JPRD at 515-386-3214.

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