Students, staff test the waters of returning to school during 3-week summer session

The Greene County Schools recently finished a three-week summer school program for students in grades K-8. A total of 101 students participated in summer school. They were served by 17 teachers and 11 associates, allowing for the students to be broken into smaller learning groups and at times to have one-on-one attention. A school counselor was on site every day to address social emotional needs of students and a school nurse was there every day as well to take care of health-related concerns.

Students worked on following social distancing guidelines and washed/sanitized their hands frequently. Although the summer school session was shorter than normal, it provided an opportunity for students to get back into the swing of doing schoolwork and also provided the school an opportunity to put into practice many of the protocols it will be using when the 2020-21 school year begins.

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School administrators thanked everyone who took part in summer school as well as everyone who worked to make summer school a success.

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