Sorenson shares Comet Neowise pics

Early “birds” don’t only find worms; this week they may see a comet in the morning twilight. Local astronomer Drew Sorenson shares photos of Comet Neowise he took Monday morning. The photos are taken with only his camera; a telescope isn’t needed to see Neowise. Neowise is the brightest comet in 23 years, astronomers say. Its closest pass around the…

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Chamber, Main Street hire director

The merged organizations of Jefferson Matters: Main Street and the Jefferson Area Chamber of Commerce have hired Reegan Hanigan as executive director, effective July 6. Both organizations have been in the process of merging and seeking a common director for several months. Jamie Daubendiek, president of the Jefferson Matters board, spoke for both boards. “We were very impressed with Reegan’s…

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